100.99.9 Discipline

While each of the Akkari Sects specialises in its own methods of battling darkness, all who fight for the light are holy warriors, soldiers of the sacred fire. Discipline defines the Akkari order, forming the basis of their military command structure while also reflecting the implacable and steadfast resolve one must hold in order to fight evil in all its forms. 

The inextricable link between blood and spirit is a cornerstone of this practice. By judiciously expending one's precious lifeblood, that which sustains mortal existence, spiritual powers aplenty are at the Akkari's disposal for use in battle. These miracles are manifold; mere novices will find themselves capable of sensing the presence of nearby dead, while those who commit themselves fully to the sacred works will find themselves able to declare holy inquisition, to damn the profane as pariah, and more.

One's place in the chain of command is essential to proper conduct, and it is through Discipline that said chain is maintained, expanded, and replenished, the authority of command flowing downwards in an array of executive powers. All shall find themselves able to recruit and train a squire to aid in their service, passing on the ancient traditions to those who come after.