18.4.2 Giftbags

Giftbags are often given away during promotions, such as Ironbeard. They will contain one of the prizes selected randomly from the following list:

(NOTE: Artifacts obtained in giftbags are bound to you, they cannot be traded to other players!)

You need to OPEN your giftbag to claim whatever is inside. Artifacts inside the giftbag will become bound to you on opening.

=== TRADEIN ===

Certain non-artifact items can also be traded in for a -small- sum of credits. The syntax for this is PROMO TRADEIN <item>. Only items that bear you mark (i.e. you were the original owner) can be traded in.


Single bags can be exchanged for either a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet bag. Almost everything in the coloured bags can also be found in the standard bag, but at a lower rate. Coloured bags contain many of the same prizes as standard bags but allow you to more easily target a specific item.

Five unopened bags can be exchanged for either a gold giftbag or a monochrome giftbag. Gold giftbags have a higher minimum value than five separate bags added up. Monochrome bags have the same prizes as a standard giftbag, but when opened, up to ten people in the room with you also get prizes as if they had opened one too!

You may have noticed the addition of RANDOM to the exchange syntax! You can now append RANDOM when exchanging a basic giftbag to swap it for a completely random colour, with around a 10% chance to roll it straight into a gold bag!

You can also optionally specify a number of bags to exchange, or ALL to do all of them. In the case of golds, ALL will leave the remainder after converting every multiple of five.

Regular & Monochrome Giftbag

Chocolates, Divine oils (including the previously unavailable oils for ABHORASH, LEXADHRA, and BAMATHIS), elemental globes, customisation certificates, chalices, discount vouchers, Iron Coins, minipets, ilmenite puzzle boxes, voxes, compendium pages, style scrolls, consumables, relic coffers*, steed whistles*, and a chance at various artifacts in the 50-2000 credit range.

* There is a new addition to the whistle options this month: an enormous white goose!

Note: All of the minipets, styles, and compendium pages in this bag are drawn from the individual ones in the coloured bags. All the styles have also been updated to include all classes!

Red Giftbag
Minipet: a diminutive fire elemental, Page: Drakuum, Style: blazing Vox: Loud, Chocolate: Strawberry. This bag has a much higher chance at gifting consumables.

Orange Giftbag
Minipet: a tiny tamarin, Page: Forgotten Mausoleum, Style: Gourmandic, Vox: Blaring, Chocolate: Fudge. Standard misc artifacts swapped out for crafting and trade artifacts.

Yellow Giftbag
Minipet: a slight air elemental, Page: Xaanhal, Style: Warcry, Vox: Sibilant, Chocolate: Cherry. This bag has a much higher chance to award elemental globes.

Green Giftbag
Minipet: a squat earth elemental, Page: Welto Trench, Style: Venomous, Vox: Penetrative, Chocolate: Mint. This bag has a much higher chance to award silver chalices.

Blue Giftbag
Minipet: a tiny water elemental, Page: Eftehl, Style: Airborne, Vox: Amplifying, Chocolate: White. This bag has a much higher chance at relic coffers.

Violet Giftbag
Minipet: a violaceous wyvern whelpling, Page: Torturer's Caverns, Style: Insane, Vox: Simplistic, Chocolate: Hazelnut. This bag has a much higher chance at Divine oils.

Gold Giftbag
Minipets, voxes, and compendium pages are removed. Single chocolates are now bags of 3. Divine phylacteries and gold translocator pieces added. Higher chance at relic coffers and a very low chance at salvage.

All giftbags always award either a city experience buff or an iron coin alongside other prizes. For gold bags, this is a tether-wide or global buff!

* Relics in the coffers this month are: everburning, fakeid, rubble, snakeskin, nazetuhide, and compass. These coffers will have 1 piece to be commensurate with giftbag values!