23.5.12 Styles

Sick of your regular bashing attacks? Why not spruce them up with styles!

Styles are customisations you can unlock that will affect the appearance of specific attacks in PvE situations. These will only work in PvE; PvP versions of the attacks will still be their regular messages.

Style scrolls can be purchased with currency of style points, which can then be used at The Style Syndicate shop at 76367, west of Esterport. You can check how many style points you have with the CURRENCY command.

You can have as many of these styles activated at once as you want, and it will randomly select one each time you attack.

You can unlock styles by obtaining technique scrolls. Technique scrolls will disappear after use, allowing you to unlock a single customisation within a style set. You can PROBE the scroll to see what attacks it can customise.

Styles will only affect the appearance of the attack. Any mechanics attached to the attack will remain the same. i.e. although the style makes it look like you're doing a fire damage attack, the damage type will be whatever the attack's normal damage type is.

The following classes/skills have potential styles to unlock. When you attempt to unlock/activate/deactivate the style, use the names from the first column of this table.

Akkari                             Denounce
Alchemist                          Static
Archivist                          Crux
Ascendril                          Firelash
Bard                               Tearing
Bard                               Tempo
Bloodborn                          Disgorge
Carnifex Hammer                    All hammer attacks
Carnifex Polearm                   All polearm attacks
Earthcaller                        Quash
Executor Beguile                   Shadowdancing Beguile
Executor Contrive                  Shadowdancing Contrive
Indorani Bonedagger                Bonedagger
Indorani Decay                     Decay
Infiltrator                        Garrote
Luminary                           Smite
Monk Kicks                         All kicks
Monk Punches                       All punches
Oneiromancer Athame                Athame
Oneiromancer Starlight             Starlight
Praenomen                          Frenzy
Predator Lateral                   Knifeplay Lateral
Predator Vertical                  Knifeplay Vertical
Ravager                            Bully
Ravager                            Concuss
Revenant                           All Riving weapon attacks
Rituos                             Scythe
Runecarver                         Malady
Sciomancer                         Fever
Sentinel Slash                     Dhuriv Slash
Sentinel Stab                      Dhuriv Stab
Shaman                             Lightning
Shapeshifter                       Slashing
Tidesage                           All club attacks
Templar                            Any Battlefury weapon attack
Teradrim                           All flail attacks
Voidseer                           Sadness
Warden                             Bear
Warden                             Serpent
Wayfarer                           Handaxes
Zealot Kicks                       All kicks
Zealot Punches                     All punches
Classless                          All basic weapon attacks

Do note that classless styles require you to have no class skills to use.

   List the styles you have unlocked.

STYLE <style> VIEW
   View what classes/skills you have unlocked for that style.

   View what styles you currently have activated.

STYLE ACTIVATE <style> <class/skill>
   Activates a style's skill customisation. For <class/skill>, refer to the first column of the above table for what to input.

STYLE DEACTIVATE <style> <class/skill>
   Deactivates a style's skill customisation. For <class/skill>, refer to the first column of the above table for what to input.

STYLE LEARN <scroll #> <class/skill>
   Read a scroll to unlock a style's skill customisation. This will consume the scroll. For <class/skill>, refer to the first column of the above table for what to input.

STYLE PREVIEW <style> [class/skill]
   Have a preview of what a style would look like. For classes with multiple skills, include both class and skill.