17.4.3 Demonyms

Demonyms are words used to describe the people or inhabitants of a particular place, region, or country. Meanwhile, a gentilic is used to describe something as having been made in a particular region, such as "Attican cheese" or "Heylish wool". The aim of this help file is to set in stone the correct demonyms and gentilics for each location in the world. As many gentilics and demonyms are the same, gentilics will only be listed when there is a difference to be found, in the format of (G: word).

Location        Demonym
Albedos         Albedi
Sapience        Sapient

Location        Demonym
Bloodloch       Bloodlochian
Enorian         Enorianite
Esterport       Esterporean
Delve           Delvian
Duiran          Duirani
Spinesreach     Spirean

Location        Demonym
Abelaas         Abelaasi
Aerie           Aerian
Arbothia        Arbothian
Attica          Attican
Bihrkaen        Bihrkaen
Cantor's Copse  Arborean
Craneskull      Skuller (G: Skullish)
El'Jazira       Jaziran
Djeir           Djeirani
Helba           Helban 
Heylai          Heylan (G: Heylish)
Jaru            Jaruvian
Kald            Kaldan
Kornar          Kornari
Masilia         Masilidean
Mitrine         Mitrini
Moghedu         Moghedic
Mournhold       Mournholder (G: Mournic)
Nuunva          Nuunvan
Rimewatch       Rimewatcher (G: Rimean)
Salma           Salmati
Saluria         Salurian
Stormcaller     Craggish
Tainhelm        Tainhelmer (G: Tainhelmish)
Vilimo          Vilimesian

Location        Demonym
Ashtan          Ashtani
Dehkay          Dehkayian
Dia'ruis        Dia'ruian
Jalaja          Jalajan
Kal Keleru      Kal Kelerii
Karnagh         Karnagh
Polyargos       Polyargosian
Sterion         Sterionese