4.1 Description

-- At A Glance ---------------------------------------------------------------
   Set your description.

   - Avoid including forced thoughts, emotions, or actions in your
     description. Don't try to claim you are a race or person that
     you are not.
   - Remember to check CONFIG PRONOUNS if you wish to change them.

   ATTIRE <clothing> <appearance>
   Adjust a piece of clothing to appear just the way you like it.

   Hide a piece of clothing from sight entirely.


Your personal description is something that you have a great amount of control over. You can, and very much should, write your character a description to express your appearance to the world. Note that while there is nothing stopping you from claiming strange qualities such as glowing eyes or a quartet of crystal wings, most players will frown upon these sorts of descriptive features, as they do not fit within the realm of Aetolia. Try to read the help file for your race, or even look around at other players to get a feel for what is acceptable.

The syntax for setting your description is DESCRIBE SELF <text>.

  Your description will look like this:
  (Chosen pronoun) is a <race> <description>.

  --> describe self with broad shoulders and a tough, no-nonsense attitude to him.
      He is a muscular Troll with broad shoulders and a tough, no-nonsense attitude to him.

  You can also lead your description with a comma or period. Aetolia will format
  this correctly for you.

  --> describe self . She is olive-skinned, of broad hips and stocky frame - a peasant's build.
      She is a typical Human. She is olive-skinned, of broad hips and stocky frame - a peasant's

As you create your character, and even later in your gameplay, your character is your own. You can change what pronoun the world is presented with through a simple CONFIG. This will show when people LOOK at you, when you emote, in your class actions and so on.


Change this setting to adjust what gender tokens relating to your character will expand to, as follows:
Male       - Use male pronouns (he/him/his).
Female     - Use female pronouns (she/her/hers).
Genderless - Use genderless pronouns (it/it/its).
NonBinary  - Use singular they pronouns (they/them/their) and nouns (e.g. 'the Xoran').

Additional Commands


   Save your currently worn description into the specified slot. You can store up to five of 
   each type. You must be in the form to save the description.


   Save a completely new description into the specified slot.


   Displays each description you have saved.


   Switch your description to the chosen slot.


   Remove a description from your saved list.

IMPORTANT: Be certain to save your current description before switching to a different slot, as you will lose your current description if you do not.

Good Advice
Some good advice, your description should only feature things a person can figure out by looking at you. It shouldn't evoke memories, emotions, or force any actions upon the viewer. Additionally, you want to avoid describing clothing, since this is filled in automatically for you.

    Bad (very, very bad):
    He is a Tsol'aa and is a tall, imposing figure. Your eyes begin
    at his muscular abdominals and work their way up to his face, where his 
    visage is covered in a twisted mask. Beating down the terror in your heart,
    you work up the courage to look into his eyes, stormy orbs of gleaming green 
    and blue that captivate you and threaten to imprison your attention for as long 
    as he should hold it. He wears an emerald green cloak embroidered with the crest 
    of the Lords of the Aalen, which he earned when he slew the terrible Bloom Beast
    of the Forest.

    She is a Human, dark-haired and dark-skinned, with a short, narrow
    frame and lean runner's muscles. Worn long and untamed, her black hair
    messily frames her face. A small nose and high brows cast her a pixieish
    appearance, and her wide, chocolate eyes are often seen keeping tabs on
    her surroundings.

Please employ good taste in writing your description, and remember to abide by our language rules (HELP LANGUAGE RULES). Putting profanity in your description or graphically describing the things in your underpants will likely invoke punishment, or the Gods reshaping you as They see fit.

As mentioned previously, clothing will automatically appear at the end of your description. The clothing is displayed in an unsorted list, along with its attire. For example, the Goddess Omei might be wearing something like this:

          (tattered, but durable) : a torn pair of black billowing leggings
             (slung from Her hip) : the Muse's tome
  (clinging tightly to Her chest) : a ragged brown undershirt
             (obscuring Her face) : a twisted mask of Nightmares

You can change the way this clothing looks with ATTIRE <clothing> <appearance>. If you want to hide a piece of clothing from sight entirely, you can do ATTIRE <clothing> CONCEALED/HIDE. See HELP ATTIRE for a more detailed explanation.