3.16 Postal System

Each of the cities in Aetolia has a post office, often located near the bank. You can always PATH TRACK POST within a city to find it.
While in a post office, the following things can be done:

This will request a letter from the postal staff. The letters are magical, being able to not only be written on, but being able to hold things improbably large in them. The letters cost 100 gold each, and will decay within a handful of Aetolian weeks. If you want to include items, just PUT <item> IN LETTER before you mail it. You must do this in a postal office.

Compose a letter. A letter can hold a maximum of about 100 lines.

MAIL LETTER TO <recipient>:
Address and mail a letter to whomever it is for. You must do this in a postal office.

BRIBE CLERK MAIL <letter> TO <recipient> FOR <gold>:
Mail is not an anonymous affair. In order to send a letter without it being traced back to you, a bribe for an undisclosed amount of gold may be required. You must do this in a postal office.

Sometimes, you may receive a letter you wish to keep permanently, out of sentiment, or perhaps as proof of some nefarious plot. Doing this will cost 2000 gold. You must do this in a postal office.

Provided you have a source of fire with you, such as a tinderbox, you can partially char a non-preserved letter, which will cause bits and pieces of it to become unreadable. This can be done multiple times.

This will rip the letter in two pieces and throw away the remains.

If you are within a watery location, you can dip your letter into the water. This will cause the ink to run and become somewhat unreadable. This can be done multiple times.

With wax, a tinderbox and a candle, you can imprint your seal on a letter. The seal is broken once it is opened.

See a full list of all the letters in your inventory, including sender, receiver, and time until they decay.

TRANSCRIBE LETTER ONTO <book/letter/journal> [PAGE <page>]:
This requires and costs balance and adheres to other reading/writing restrictions. This transcribes the contents of a letter onto another letter, book, or journal, for ease of recordkeeping. Note: This appends to the page, it does NOT overwrite.

Mailing to Pseudonyms
The Grand Library offers a service for those with pseudonyms to receive mail. If you own a pseudonym, talk to Tegoleth in the Grand Library to set this up.

To mail a pseudonym, you can visit v81000 in the Grand Library.