4.9.24 Minotaur

The Minotaurs are a race of humanoid bovines, many of which are fiercely loyal towards Severn, the Manipulator.

Originally, the Minotaurs, one among the thousands of species created by Haern, were dull, weak beasts that stood upon the brink of extinction. Seeing their plight, Severn took pity upon the Minotaurs' condition, and granted them the gift of cunning in exchange for their loyalty to Him.

Most of the Minotaur population once resided in the village of Sterion, nestled deep within the Tarean mountain range near Mount Gallows. The physical link between the Shadow Plane and the Prime was ensconced within the village, rendering it a key point of contention during the various Shadow invasions, until the village was destroyed during the events of the second War of Night. Minotaurs can also be found elsewhere in small pockets, notably within the territories of Duiran, as many often find themselves with an affinity to the wilds due to their ancient heritage.

Following a prophecy of a looming calamity, a vision gleaned from the seers of the shaman-caste, the elders of Sterion made a fateful decision. They sent their young out into the world, tasking them with the mission to search for signs of the coming disaster.

Physical traits:
Eyes: black and browns, rarely lighter colours such as blues, greens or yellows
Pelts: black and brown are most common, greying as age takes them
Size: 6 - 7 feet / 1.7 - 2.1 meters
Sexual dimorphism: Males have manes that start at the top of head and extend to the shoulders. Females tend to have smaller horns.
Legs/Feet: Unguligrade with hooves.

Minotaurs are covered in tough, mangy fur that protects them from the elements. Bipedal, their most notable features are their large horns and large snout-like noses. Minotaurs naturally have thick, developed muscles. It is important to note that in Aetolia, Minotaurs are full bovine from head to toe. They do not have udders and possess standard humanoid breasts and mammary glands. 

Cultural notes:
Historically a race destined to fail, Lord Severn took an interest in the Minotaurs and blessed them with the spark of intelligence. In return most Minotaurs of Sterion worship Him exclusively and are far more attuned to Shadow than any other race, letting them settle within the Tarean mountain range near Mount Gallows where the Shadow Plane is at its most potent. The elders among them have taken up smoking a repulsive concoction to help them glean the future, while the younger amongst them are driven by conflict and proving themselves in combat.

Minotaurs tend to be brash, stubborn and quick to fight. Despite this, they possess a sharp cunning that is often underestimated. They are highly pragmatic, more so than most other races. It is not uncommon for some to have a deep affinity to nature, the traces of their ancient heritage before Severn.

While most Minotaurs find their calling within their village to carry out their sacred duty, some can still be found elsewhere with other allegiances. These Minotaurs are looked down upon by those of Sterion, considered to either be cowards unsuited to the traditional duties of their race, or gone feral for those that are in touch with their Haernite heritage.

Sterion Village
The ancestral home of the Minotaurs ever since they were taken as wards by Severn. The Minotaurs of Sterion were charged with the sacred duty of guarding the physical link between the Shadow Plane and Prime that resided somewhere within the confines of their settlement. Though most Minotaurs tend to be brutish and pragmatic by nature, the ones of Sterion exemplify these traits. Most manual labour in the village is provided for by slaves that the Minotaurs have taken from other races.

Their society was built around an age-dependent caste system, with the youngest being a part of the warrior's caste while older, maimed or otherwise unsuited Minotaurs joined the shaman caste. And the eldest belonged to the caste of wise that governed the village. As many Sterion Minotaurs often died young in service to the harsh duties given to them by Severn, age is revered. Some other minor castes existed, such as priests, but these were instead exclusive and selective, possessing few members.

During the events of the second War of Night, the village was destroyed.

The Shadow Keep
After the War of Night and the fight against the Leviathan, Sterion had lost near all of their warriors. The elders, gleaning a terrible future in the years ahead, sent their youngest to the Carnifex to be trained and become the next great warriors of Sterion. Trained with their potent rage and strength and equipped with greatbows, the new Minotaur warriors can be found proudly marching the Shadow Keep in a grand display of Savagery.