5.18.1 Custom Prompt
Using the CONFIG PROMPT CUSTOM <prompt> command, one can define how their prompt will be displayed. For example, CONFIG PROMPT CUSTOM Hi will show "Hi" for your prompt. Or CONFIG PROMPT CUSTOM < @health > will show "< 4321 >" for your prompt. CONFIG PROMPT CUSTOM ON - Use your new pretty custom prompt! CONFIG PROMPT CUSTOM OFF - Stop using that horrible thing. Tokens ------ You can insert various tokens into your custom prompt that will be replaced with the actual stats and information you'd find in a normal prompt. All of the tokens are preceded by an @ symbol, and a @@ can be used to show a single @ in your prompt. The tokens are as follows: @health - Current health @%health - Current health (percentage) @maxhealth - Maximum health @mana - Current mana @%mana - Current mana (percentage) @maxmana - Maximum mana @end - Current endurance @%end - Current endurance (percentage) @maxend - Maximum endurance @will - Current willpower @%will - Current willpower (percentage) @maxwill - Maximum willpower @blood - Blood level. @%blood - Blood level (percentage). @maxblood - Maximum blood. @essence - Necromantic essence (percentage). @spark - Inner Spark (percentage). @devotion - Devotion (percentage). @kai - Kai energy level. @primality - Shaman energy. @fury - Fury percentage. @bleeding - Current amount you are bleeding. @madness - Provides current madness state. @lycanform - Your lycan form. @soul - Amount of stolen soul. @storm - Your sandstorm level OR apparition level. @residual - Your residual ylem energy. @bio - Amount of Bioessence energy. @insight - Amount of Voidgazing insight. @psi - Amount of Zealot psi energy OR Ravager ego amount. @stance - Your current stance. (eg. Dragon) @shstance - Your current stance. (eg. DRS) @wcharge - Templar/Revenant weapon charge. @resonance - Current fulcrum resonance. @aspect - Current well aspect. @price - Current shadowprice debt owed. @fate - Oneiromancy fate (percentage) @impurity - Tectonic impurity (percentage) @fervour - Apocalyptia fervour (percentage) @dithering - Weaving dithering. @volatility - Alchemy volatility. @knife - Knifeplay stance. @slstone - Deathlore soulstone soul total. @renown - Ancestry renown total. @xp - Current experience @%xp - Current experience (percentage) @maxxp - Experience to next level @stats - Your defences @eqbal - Your equilibrium and balance @armbal - Your left/right arm (or leg) balance @secbal - Your secondary balance (e.g. Fury, Shadow, Hound) @vote - Whether you have voted or not @weekday - What Aetolian weekday it is. @day - What number Aetolian day it is @month - The name of the current Aetolian month @nummonth - The current Aetolian month as a number @year - The current Aetolian year. @time - The current time in words. @pose - Your current pose. @language - Your current racial language choice. @mount - Indicates you are mounted @burrow - If you are burrowed, displays burrow elevation @shell - Your current character name. @irlweekday Shows the IRL weekday (Monday, etc) @irlday Shows the IRL date of the month (1-31) @irlmonth Shows the IRL month (January, February, etc) @irlyear Shows the IRL year (2017, 2018, etc) @hour24 Shows the IRL hour in 24 hour format (03, 13, 15, etc) @hour12 Shows the IRL hour in 12 hour format (1-12) @ampm Shows if it's 'am' or 'pm'. @minute Shows the IRL minute (00-59) @second Shows the IRL second (00-59) @milli Shows the IRL millisecond (000-999) @nl - A line delimiter. Colours ------- You can also change the colour of your prompt's text inserting tokens. Colour tokens are preceded by a ^ symbol, and a ^^ can be used to show a single ^ in your prompt. Please note that there are some tokens who will already have a colour assigned to them, and these colour tokens will not override that colour. The colour tokens are as follows: Red: ^r Green: ^g Yellow: ^y Blue: ^b Magenta: ^m Cyan: ^c White: ^w Bold Red: ^R Bold Green: ^G Bold Yellow: ^Y Bold Blue: ^B Bold Magenta: ^M Bold Cyan: ^C Bold White: ^W Default: ^x If you capitalize the letter in the colour token, it will use the bold equivalent of that colour instead. You can also use the following colour tokens to change the prompt colour according to the value of the associated token: @health: ^1 @mana: ^2 @end: ^3 @will: ^4 @blood: ^5 @essence: ^6 @devotion: ^7 @spark: ^8 @time: ^9 @kai: ^0 @madness: ^L @fury: ^F @bio: ^I @psi: ^P @fate: ^A @impurity: ^T @fervour: ^V @slstone: ^S @renown: ^O