4.9.3 Statpacks

Once a character has selected their race, they will need to determine the stats that will work best for their character. We have currently designed 12 named packs a new player can choose from. Use the command STATPACKS to list all the available options. When you feel you have chosen one you like, the command to change your statpack is REINCARNATE INTO <statpack> <race>.

When reviewing the statpack list here is the key:

Strength (Str):
 - Increases your brute-sourced damage.
 - Boosts the damage blocked from diverting by 3% each point over 13, up to 21.
 - Reduces the damage blocked from diverting by 3% each point under 13.

Dexterity (Dex):
 - Increases your agile-sourced damage.
 - Increases your dodge and divert chance by 1% each point over 12, up to 21.
 - Reduces your dodge and divert chance by 2% each point under 12.

Intelligence (Int):
 - Increases your arcane-sourced damage.
 - Does not have diminishing returns when boosting arcane-sourced damage.
 - Determines the maximum amount of mana and willpower you have.
 - Beyond 21 points, the maximum mana you gain is reduced by two-thirds.

Constitution (Con):
 - Increases your fortitude-sourced damage.
 - Determines the maximum amount of health and endurance you have.
 - Beyond 21 points, the maximum health you gain is reduced by two-thirds.

Wisdom (Wis):
 - Increases your knowledge-sourced damage.
 - Reduces the duration of being stunned by 2% each point over 14.
 - Increases the duration of being stunned by 2% each point under 14.
 - Reduces the duration of black out by 3% each point over 14.
 - Increases the duration of black out by 3% each point under 14.

NOTE: Stats max out at a possible 25.

The contribution from strength, dexterity, constitution, and wisdom towards damage has diminishing returns. This means that as these stats increase over the value of 14, the effective amount each point contributes is reduced. Damage boosted by intelligence is excluded from diminishing returns.

Health, mana, dodging, and other such sub benefits only start receiving diminishing returns after 21, whether either their benefits are reduced or removed entirely. Wisdom provides benefits against stun and blackout all the way up to 25.

Statpack bonuses and negatives key:

XP Bonus/Malus: Provides 10% bonus or malus to global experience gain.

Endurance: Provides a bonus or malus of 6 endurance regeneration.
Willpower: Provides a bonus or malus of 6 willpower regeneration.

Blunt: Provides 10% resistance or weakness to blunt damage.
Cutting: Provides 10% resistance or weakness to cutting damage.
Magic: Provides 10% resistance or weakness to magic damage.
Fire: Provides 10% resistance or weakness to fire damage.
Cold: Provides 10% resistance or weakness to cold damage.
Electric: Provides 10% resistance or weakness to electric damage.
Psychic: Provides 10% resistance or weakness to psychic damage.
Poison: Provides 10% resistance or weakness to poison damage.
Asphyxiation: Provides 10% resistance or weakness to asphyxiation damage.

Sip Bonus/Malus: Boosts or reduces 5% of health/mana gained from elixirs.
Clotting: Boosts or reduces natural clotting by 7 AND the mana cost of CLOT by 1 mana per.

Before level 31, a new player has the chance to reincarnate as many times as they wish - so this is the perfect time to play around with the statpacks and pick the one that works best for you. After 31, you have one reincarnation until level 99. At level 99, you will get a separate one that will not stack with the one you are left with after level 31.

Each class generally has a one or two sources of stats that it relies upon for damage. We have a quick list below to help you out when deciding a statpack aimed at hunting denizens efficiently, although all stats have their uses:

| Class        | Stat                              |
| Akkari       | Str                               |
| Alchemist    | Int                               |
| Archivist    | Int                               |
| Ascendril    | Int                               |
| Bard         | Dex (Tempo)     Int (Tearing)     |
| Bloodborn    | Int                               |
| Carnifex     | Str                               |
| Earthcaller  | Str (Quash)     Int (Ashfall)     |
| Executor     | Str                               |
| Indorani     | Int (Decay)     Dex (Bonedagger)  |
| Infiltrator  | Str (Garrote)   Dex (Fangs/Camus) |
| Luminary     | Str (Smite)     Int (Lightning)   |
| Monk         | Str                               |
| Oneiromancer | Int (Starlight) Dex (Athame)      |
| Praenomen    | Str                               |
| Predator     | Dex                               |
| Ravager      | Str                               |
| Revenant     | Str                               |
| Runecarver   | Int                               |
| Sciomancer   | Int                               |
| Sentinel     | Str                               |
| Shaman       | Int                               |
| Shapeshifter | Str                               |
| Templar      | Str                               |
| Teradrim     | Str                               |
| Tidesage     | Str                               |
| Voidseer     | Int                               |
| Warden       | Str                               |
| Wayfarer     | Str (Melee)     Dex (Thrown)      |
| Zealot       | Str                               |