400.99.22 Voidgazing

The unforgiving dark.

The place betwixt the planes.

The endless expanse of the Abyss.

All these and more, mortal scholars claim, are titles worthy of the vacuous maw that gapes open in the lightless demesne that fills the indeterminate place between all planes. Cold, unfeeling, and utterly unoccupied, sages have looked to its bleakness as a nihilistic canvas upon which they project philosophical ponderings unworthy of its maddening vastness. It is only the Voidseer that possesses a true understanding of that place's breadth, and it is through Voidgazing that they share the eldritch revelation of Creation's most mysterious darkness.

Possessed of nothing, bereft of light, robbed of shadow, the Void simply is - a monolith expanse of utter nothingness from which accomplished seers derive limitless wisdom that the uninitiated have no hope of comprehending if they wish to cling to their sanity.