4.15.18 Roleplaying an Alchemist

Eschewing the numerological magic used by their Archivist peers, Alchemists train their focus specifically on pursuits in the realm of science. Manipulating and contorting that which is presented to an Alchemist in nature is a common theme of the class, whether it be through the transformation of minerals and compounds via Alchemy, or by corrupting natural flora in Botany to create blighted plantlife and bend it to the Alchemist's will.

Trained Alchemists are equally capable of everyday scientific research and breakthroughs as they are ruthless, cataclysmic destruction. Encompassing a variety of fields, their skillset is a diverse one indeed.

Visual style of the class:
Alchemy takes notes from chemistry, utilising minerals from the earth in conjunction with an alchemical transmutation conduit to wreak havoc on foes. From the creation of virulent compounds designed to crystallise when inhaled, to the intricate and precise management of volatility present from ongoing chemical reactions, this skill presents itself as an art that requires delicate precision and mental fortitude to execute properly. Arguably the most 'flashy' and direct aspect of the Alchemist's arsenal, the telltale signs of crackling lightning and violent explosions are never far away.

Experimentation, on the other hand, draws significance from the scientific method; dutifully-trained live test subjects, each created to serve specific purposes, will fearfully heed an Alchemist's call. In battle, these twisted experiments are highly specialised, drawing on their artificially altered state to elicit certain deadly effects. It is through Experimentation that created compounds can be applied to an alchemical conduit to elicit a slew of inhibiting and helpful effects. Experimentation is also where one will find the basis of scientific study.

Finally, Botany exists as a replication and - at least in the eyes of an Alchemist - an improvement on a Shaman's ability to utilise nature. Rather than relying on fickle magical means, Alchemists bend, corrupt, transform, and subjugate nature to their will through the use of serums, chemicals, and pheromones. Field labs allow an Alchemist to set up a location from which they can practice their studies out of view from peering eyes, and free from the danger of human impact that traditional city labs present.

What is the blight?
Originally created by Litrix, a Xorali scientist in the employ of Spinesreach, the blight is essentially a morass of aberrant foliage. Prolonged experimentation resulted in once-natural flora being transformed, mutated into what exists now as something quite unnatural and distinct. This blight - recognisable by its vivid colouration and almost sentient nature - is capable of numerous monstrous feats, and ever seeks to expand itself - much like the shadow element that makes up the majority of its form. 

It was Feirenz Ourborian who first succeeded in altering the fundamental elemental composition of Litrix's creation, granting Alchemists the power to control this blighted plantlife as an extension of their own influence, coaxing it to overrun regions and claim it as part of their own domain. 

Side effects of use:
Alchemy is as much a balancing act as it is an art; imprecise measurements and failed timings can result in volatile explosions, chemical burns to the Alchemist, or accidental electrocution due to the mishandling of an alchemical conduit.

Experimentation brings with it another suite of potential maladies for consideration, namely the risks associated with the management of sentient experiments. Motivated primarily by fear, it is not terribly uncommon to hear of the occasional experiment turning on its handler in an attempt to seek freedom. Depending on the experiment type, these instances can result in lacerations, burns, broken limbs, or even fatal poisoning.

Constant exposure to blight, and its associated means of creation via Botany, can cause breathing and skin issues for Alchemists. It's important that extended physical contact with blighted flora is followed with some form of decontamination or cleaning protocol to rid the Alchemist of mutated spores or plant secretions.

Roleplaying the class:
A strong mind is a prerequisite for an Alchemist to succeed. The creation of compounds and balancing of chemical reactions is not a pursuit suited for those easily distracted or lacking an ability to be precise. Where others rely on magic and physical acumen as a crutch to accomplish their goals, the mind and the scientific process by extension are the Alchemist's primary armaments.

A degree of practicality and pragmatism will carry an Alchemist far. Botany as a practice involves the deliberate augmentation and manipulation of nature, which many would consider abhorrent. The means employed by an Alchemist to accomplish their botanical feats are dangerous and harmful to the flora they interfere with, but concern for the natural world is of little importance to those vested in the science of discovery. All knowledge has its price.

Likewise, the act of utilising sentient experiments is likely to be regarded by most outside of scientific circles as particularly unsavoury. 

That is not to say that all Alchemists are cruel, but one must be able to see the bigger picture and view the harm done in pursuit of the greater goal as a necessary sacrifice for success.

Conduit customisations:
Conduits can be customised but their nature as scientific implements means they must remain metallic in origin and be of reasonable appearance and design as to be capable of conducting electricity.