3.6 Say command

The most common way to speak to another player is to use the SAY command. The syntax for this command is SAY <text>.

The SAY command can be abbreviated with a ' or a ", though these abbreviations only work with non-directed speech.

* To talk in rooms with NPCs without them reacting to key phrases, you can:
  PSAY <text> and PSAYTO <person> <text>. There is no abbreviation. 

Like almost all communication in the game, says will automatically capitalize and punctuate your text for you. This can help for simple instances in which a "help" becomes a "Help.", but try not to rely on it! Proper grammar can make a difference in how your character comes across.

Normal speech
  --> say Hello Razmael, what lovely eyes you have.
  --> 'Hello Razmael, what lovely eyes you have.
  --> "Hello Razmael, what lovely eyes you have.

      You see:
      You say, "Hello Razmael, what lovely eyes you have."

      Everyone else sees:
      Keroc says, "Hello Razmael, what lovely eyes you have."

Tips: Form your say into a question or an exclamation by doubling punctuation.
      --> say Where is the bathhouse??
          You ask, "Where is the bathhouse?"
      --> say That really hurt!!
          You exclaim, "That really hurt!"

      Certain special emotes can also be used to communicate like a say:
      --> snarl I'll rip yer bloody arms off.
          You snarl, "I'll rip yer bloody arms off."
      --> scream Get out of here, stalker.
          You scream, "GET OUT OF HERE, STALKER!"

Directing speech to a player
  --> say to Razmael Why is your head so big?
  --> sayto Razmael Why is your head so big?

      You see:
      You say to Razmael, "Why is your head so big?"

      Razmael sees:
      Keroc says to you, "Why is your head so big?"

      Everyone else sees:
      Keroc says to Razmael, "Why is your head so big?"

Tips: SAY TO will fail if the player you are trying to talk to leaves before you 
      finish your command, resulting in: You say, "To razmael Why is your head
      so big?"

Directing Speech to Those at Your Table
  --> sayhere Can you believe Haern? Eating all the pie himself.

      You see:
      You say to the others at a round cafeteria table, "Can you believe
      Haern? Eating all the pie himself."

      Everyone (at the table):
      Keroc says to everyone at a round cafeteria table, "Can you believe
      Haern? Eating all the pie himself."

      Everyone (not at the table):

Tips: Haern is on a diet and shouldn't be eating pie.

Custom Speaking Styles
  --> say (staring at the sky) does anyone else see that??
  --> sayto razmael (seductively) so, how about some free credits

      You see:
      Staring at the sky, you ask, "Does anyone else see that?"
      Seductively, you say to Razmael, "So, how about some free credits."

      Razmael sees:
      Staring at the sky, Keroc asks, "Does anyone else see that?"
      Seductively, Galleus says to you, "So, how about some free credits."

      Everyone else sees:
      Staring at the sky, Keroc asks, "Does anyone else see that?"
      Seductively, Galleus says to Razmael, "So, how about some free credits."

Speaking emotions
Emoticons should never be used in says! However, by adding certain smilies on the end of your says you can change the way you say something, to impart emotion.

  --> 'stop, that tickles! :D
  --> say uhh, does anyone else smell smoke :s?.

      You see:
      You laughingly say, "Stop, that tickles!"
      You ask with a puzzled expression, "Uhh, does anyone else smell smoke?"
      Everyone else sees:
      Keroc laughingly says, "Stop, that tickles!"
      Galleus asks with a puzzled expression, "Uhh, does anyone else smell

For these emoticons and more see HELP EMOTICONS.
For another option which can modify says, see HELP EXPRESSIVENESS.
For even more customizability in how you express yourself, see HELP EMOTE.