Those who possess a mastery of Philosophy, and those trained to be mentally-honed through their class abilities, are able to participate in the thrill of Psycombat. As the name implies, it is a battle of wits; a war of minds. During psycombat, you will be unable to use most physical attacks. There are, in fact, only eight abilities you can utilize while in combat. Commands: --------- PSY BLAST Blast your opponent, harming their mental might for 10% of damage. PSY BARRIER/BAR At a constant expense, it will protect you from PSY BLAST. PSY WHIP Lash out with a psychic whip to destroy PSY BARRIER. PSY SURGE Destroy your opponent if they are below 50% of their mental might. PSY PROBE Check the state of your opponent and see their mental might. PSY MEDITATE/MED Recover your own mental might over time through meditation. PSY FORTIFY Fortify your mind and increase its maximum amount of mental might. PSY ESCAPE Escape from the battle. This will take a while. There are also rankings to honor the best and most cunning of the Psychallengers. Commands: --------- JOIN PSYCOMBAT RANKINGS Places you into the Psycombat Rankings and assigns you the score of 100. PSYCHIC RANKINGS View the psychic rankings. PSYCHIC STATUS <player> View specifics on a player's psychic status. PSYCHIC CHALLENGE <player> Challenge your opponent to a ranked match: PSYCHALLENGE <player> Challenge your opponent to an unranked match. PSYACCEPT <player> Accept your PsyChallenge! This will immediately transport you and your opponent to an Arena for mental combat.