2.11 Logs
Aetolia maintains logs for certain activities to assist players in keeping track of the going-ons and maintain a degree of accountability within an organization. Players can also write entries to certain logs to keep others informed. Org logs -------- READLOG <orgname> [start line] [day] WRITELOG <orgname> <text> SEARCHLOG <orgname> <text> All organizations, such as cities, guilds, houses and orders, come with logs that record certain activities such as favors and membership changes. If you simply wish to read the current day's log, from the beginning, then all you have to do is READLOG <org>. If you wish to read other day's logs, then you must include all four fields. For instance: READLOG <org> 1 3 Some organizations may restrict access to reading and writing of their logs. Revenue logs ------------ REVLOG <city> [start line] [day] WRITELOG REVLOG <text> SEARCHLOG REVLOG <text> Cities have additional logs to help keep track of what's going on. One of these is the revenue log, which tracks the movement of a city's gold. Military logs ------------- MILLOG <city> [start line] [day] Cities have additional logs to help keep track of what's going on. One of these is the military log, which tracks things such as guard activity. Ylem logs --------- YLEMLOG <city> [start line] [day] YLEMLOG <city> SUMMARY [start day] [end day] SEARCHLOG YLEMLOG <text> Cities have additional logs to help keep track of what's going on. One of these is the ylem log, which tracks the city's ylem income and expenditure. You can check the summary to see a breakdown of total income for people across a specified day range. Shop logs --------- READLOG SHOP [start line] [day] WRITELOG SHOP <text> Shopkeepers can review a history of their shop's transactions for reading the shop's logs. You must be standing in your shop to do so. Shrine logs ----------- ESSLOG <order> If you have the appropriate rank in your divine's order, you can review the logs of all shrine energy gain and loss. See also: GUILDLOGS, SHOPKEEPING