3.3 Ignore Command

When reason fails and you just wish you could be oblivious of another person's presence, there's IGNORE. Once you have IGNOREd someone, neither of you can speak directly to one another (by TELL, MESSAGE, or SAY TO), nor can either of you use targeted emotes on the other. You also can not hear a person who you are ignoring on channels such as GT, GTS, OT, HT, CT, CNT, or CLT. You are not able to hear shouts or yells from that person, nor are you able to send them mail. Likewise, if someone has you on IGNORE, you will not be able to see what they SAY in the same room as you. 


IGNORE <person>
  - Starts ignoring someone. You may ignore up to 10 people at a time.

  - See a list of whom you are ignoring.

UNIGNORE <person>
  - Stops ignoring someone if you're already ignoring that person.

  - Removes everyone from your ignore list.

A caution: Do not ignore frivolously. Once you ignore someone, it will  
take some time before you can unignore them.                            

You should also never assist someone who has been ignored or is ignoring, that can be viewed as harassment, or assisting in harassment. Specifically:
- Don't pass messages for people that are ignoring each other
- Don't ask somebody to pass a message to somebody you're ignoring
- Don't ask somebody to report what somebody you're ignoring is saying

NOTE: Ignore is not a shield against consequences for actions you've taken, nor does it preclude people from attacking you or otherwise affecting your character should they have suitably justified grounds to do so. Ignore's function is solely to block interaction and communication from those you wish to avoid.