21.3 Clan Leader
Commands for the Clan Head -------------------------- CLAN SET NAME <name> - Allows you to change the name of the clan at will. CLAN SET ALIAS <alias> - Allows you to change the alias of the clan at will. CLAN NEW_HEAD <clan member> - Replace yourself as clan head. CLAN CREATE POSITION <name of position> - Creates a new position in a clan. Position names can be up to 30 characters long and be multiple words. CLAN DESTROY POSITION <name of position, or number of position> - Destroys a position in a clan. By number we mean that each position will be numbered 1-10. It may be easier to refer to the positions by number. CLAN RENAME POSITION <# of position> <new name of position> - Changes the name of the specified position. Position names can be up to 30 characters long and be multiple words CLAN DISMISS <position> FROM <clan member> - Dismisses a clan member from a position. CLAN LAWS <option> - Write the laws for your clan, and make them public or private. - Options are COMPOSE, PUBLIC, and PRIVATE. CLAN INVEST <position # or name> WITH <power name> - Invests a clan position with a power. - Powers able to be invested are: (you'll find more on these commands in the next section) INDUCT - induct a new member DISCHARGE - discharge a member WITHDRAW - withdraw from clan bank accounts BANKACCOUNTS - see what is in the clan's bank accounts PROBATION - place a member on probation LOG - read the clan log, if logging is closed OWED - view a list of outstanding clan dues EXEC_SUMMARY - shows you an executive summary of the clan PROJECTS READ - read projects in the clan PROJECTS ALL - both read and create projects in the clan LIBRARIAN - act as a librarian in a clan-owned library ENEMIES - view a list of all clan enemies ENEMY - brand someone an enemy or ally of the clan WRITELOG - allows writing in the logs with WRITELOG <clan> APPOINT - appoint people to a position in the clan CLANHELP - allows editing and creation of clanhelp files MUTE - allows usage of the CLAN MUTE/UNMUTE commands - does not allow you to speak through mute REFERENDUM - confers the ability to create referendums - HELP REFERENDUMS BATTLEFIELD - make use of the battlefield system - HELP BATTLEFIELDS CLAN STRIP <power> FROM <position # or name> - Can strip the same powers as you can invest. CLAN SET PRIVATE ON/OFF - Toggles the private flag on or off. A private clan is one that is not listed in HELP CLANLIST, and hides the positions on CLANHELP <name> from those not part of the clan. CLAN SET SECRET ON/OFF - Toggles the secret flag on or off. A secret clan is one in which the membership cannot see each other (except for the clan head) and in which clan news posts and clantells are anonymous. CLAN SET MEMBERSHIP OPEN/INVITATION - Toggles whether the clan is open to public membership or only by invitation. Open membership allows anyone who is not an enemy to type CLAN JOIN <clan> to join the clan. CLAN SET SEMIDEMOCRATIC ON - This will *permanently* set the clan to be semidemocratic. This means the leader can be replaced by vote, but only after he or she has been inactive for 30 days. CLAN SET DEMOCRATIC ON - This will *permanently* set the clan to be democratic. The head of the clan will be determined by a vote. A member can contest the current head by CONTEST <person> AS HEAD OF <clan>. CLAN DISSOLVE - Destroys a clan. CLAN EDIT SUMMARY - Each clan can have a summary file (basically a help file) about the clan. CLAN SET HEAD_NAME <clanhead position name> - Sets the name of the head position in the clan. CLAN LOGGING OPEN/CLOSE - Toggles the status of clan logging. If it's open, any clan member can read the log. If it's closed, only the clan head and position holders in positions with the log power invested may read the log. CLAN SET DUES <amount> - Sets clan dues per year per member. CLAN FORGIVE ALL CLAN FORGIVE <member> < <amount> | ALL > - Forgive outstanding dues in the clan either individually or completely. CLAN SET BANK <HERE | NONE> - Used with HERE, it declares your present location as being your clan's official bank. All paid dues will be directly deposited to this bank. You need to be standing in a bank for this command to work. With NONE, it declares that your clan does not have an official bank anymore. All paid dues will be directly deposited in your inventory. CLAN EXEMPT <clan member> <x> YEARS or CLAN EXEMPT <clan member> PERMANENTLY - Exempts a clan member from dues for X years, or forever (note that by year we mean Aetolian year). CLAN PLEDGE TO <city/guild> - Permanently pledges the clan to the service of the named city or guild. The leader of the city/guild may at any time instate a new clan head. They may identify clans pledged to their organizations using CLAN PLEDGED TO <org>. CLAN RESET <clan name> TO <new clan head> - For city/guild leaders. Instates a new clan head of a clan pledged to the city or guild. CLAN CLEARNEWS - Clear all of a clans news posts. This costs 100,000 gold and must be done at the Clan Headquarters in Esterport. Investable powers ----------------- Clan heads have all of these commands. Any position within the clan may be invested with any of these commands with the CLAN INVEST command. CLAN INDUCT <player> - Invites someone to join your clan. One must AGREE after being invited to join the clan, before any other actions are performed. CLAN DISCHARGE <player> <optional reason> - Kicks a someone out of your clan. You cannot kick out the clan head. WITHDRAW <amount> <clan alias> <reason optional> - Withdraws <amount> gold from the clan bank account at that bank. CLAN PROBATION <player> ON/OFF - Turn clan probation on or off on a member. - Clan probation means no reading of news and no clan channel. - You may not use this command on members holding clan position unless you are the clan leader. CLAN BANKACCOUNTS - Lists the clan's bank accounts. READLOG <clan alias> <starting point in log> <days back> - Works just like the readlog commands for cities and guilds. The last two fields are optional. - If the clan head has made logging open, then anyone in the clan may access this command. CLAN OWED - See a list of what clan members owe, and how much each owes. CLAN EXEC_SUMMARY - See an executive summary of your clan. Lists the positions, what powers each position carries and who is appointed to each, a membership summary, bank account summary and whether logging is open or closed. CLAN ENEMIES - List the declared enemies of your clan. CLAN ENEMY <player> - Enemy someone from your clan. CLAN APPOINT <position name, or position #> TO <clanmember> - Appoints a clan member to a position. There can be multiple people per position. CLAN MUTE - Mutes the clan, preventing anybody but the clan leader from talking. CLAN UNMUTE - Unmutes the clan if previously muted. See also: CLAN, CLANCOMMANDS