22.5.8 Ceramics References

These are the references for Ceramics items:

Design #    |  Item Description              | Available Reference Tags |
14051          a shallow alcove                alcove | shrine
14091          a clay wash basin               basin
14173          a crude clay bowl               bowl | dish | vessel
14194          a vaguely sculpted bust         bust | figurine
14230          a small oil diffuser            diffuser
14259          a slip-cast ewer                ewer | pitcher | jug | growler
14281          a narrow incense holder         holder | dish
14352          a dull clay jar                 jar | box
14482          a simple clay lamp              lamp
14610          an elongated minnowcatcher      minnowcatcher
14630          a small glass inkwell           inkwell
16644          a simple repeating mosaic       mosaic | medallion | crest | frieze
16653          a pulled glass ornament         ornament | bauble | trinket
16931          a simple tea service            service | teaservice
17098          a mundane table setting         setting | set
17267          a glass singing bowl            singingbowl | bowl
17363          a ruddy clay tajine             tajine
17425          a small clay teapot             teapot
17434          a roughly glazed tile           tile
17560          a low, heated touner            touner | oven
17657          a long clay urn                 urn | pot
17730          a round clay pot                pot | vase
17763          a jar of blue-streaked glaze    glaze
17812          a glass phial                   phial
19365          a round bracrov pot             bracrov | pot
19385          a round clay still bank         stillbank | moneybox | moneypot
19390          a rustic clay chamberpot        chamberpot
19457          a simple fish bowl              fishbowl | bowl
19469          a rectangular fish tank         fishtank | tank
19523          a standard aquarium             aquarium
19524          a round glass eye               eye | glasseye
19566          a small glass marble            marble
19578          a tall clay amphora             amphora
20089          a glass water pipe              waterpipe | pipe
20181          a glass beaker                  beaker
20228          a simple porcelain doll         doll
20240          a clay tablet                   tablet
20272          a ceramic ashtray               ashtray
20327          a clay garden fae               gardenfae | figurine | statuette
20328          a clay bird bath                birdbath
20353          a simple magnifying glass       magnifier | glass
20711          a tall kiln                     kiln