Aetolian Game News
Classlead 2016 April - part 1
Written by: Keroc
Date: Thursday, April 21st, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
The first batch of updates are here! Enjoy!
- [2202] Scepter now uses both equilibrium and balance.
- [2196] Consume equilibrium recovery reduced to 3.25 seconds, down from 4.
- [2191] You can now stack up to 15 commands using the separator.
- [2209] You can now follow others over water if they don't swim.
- [2175] The Mindseye tattoo no longer consumes equilibrium when used.
- [2177] CARVE CARDS now produces 32 cards per wood commodity, up from 8.
As reports 2186 and 2188 encompasses a lot more then the normal, I have placed all the changes based on these below. We'll keep an eye on them over the coming weeks and make adjustments as necessary.
- Updated all the AB files for Kaido.
- Removed Kai Boost
- Removed Conservation
- Kai Recursion now provides three times as much base Kai energy.
- Kai Trance no longer provides double Kai energy if you're the attacker or
the victim.
- You can now swap your enemies and allies around while in Kai Trance.
- Kai energy now degenerates by 1 point every 3 seconds instead of 10 points
every 30 seconds
- Reduced all Kai energy costing abilities by 1.
- Fixed some loopholes that would let you retain kai when switching between
Kai Trance and Kai Recursion.
- Lowered the stun on Enfeeble to 1 second, down from 2.5 seconds.
- Increased the Kai energy cost of Enfeeble to 70, up from 60.
- Kai energy gained from Hammerfist lowered from 3 to 2 points.
- Kai energy gained from Spearpunch increased from 1 to 2 points.
- Kai energy gained from Uppercut increased from 1 to 2 points.
- Kai energy gained from Hook left at 2 points.
- Kai energy gained from Snapkick lowered from 4 to 2 points.
- Kai energy gained from Whirlwind lowered from 4 to 2 points.
- Kai energy gained from both Moonkick and Sidekick left at 2 points.
- Updated all the AB files for Tekura.
- Updated a lot of the back end for Tekura, if you see anything weird feel
free to BUG it.
- Tweaked almost all stance modifers within Tekura.
* You can review the AB files for more information.
- Removed stances being balanceless to swap between if you were already in
a stance.
- Damage bonuses to Tekura attacks are now calculated additively rather then
* This results in about a 5% damage nerf if you have all the bonuses.
- Throatstrike, Palmstrike, Bladehand, and Scythekick have had their messages
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 20th of Arios, in the year 458 MA.