Aetolian Game News
Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Thursday, April 14th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone
We've been monitoring the situation in Duiran over the last few months, and even more closely after our recent meeting with its leaders. The hateful attitudes towards one another, the metagaming, and just blatant disrespect for each other in Duiran is quite literally the worst I have ever seen come out of any organization. While we expect all organizations to have some small degree of this going on, they usually resolve themselves and is not something we have to get involved with. However with the case of Duiran, this has reached toxic levels that is both detrimental to the health of the organization, and the game itself.
It was our hope that meeting with Duiran's leaders would steer the council away from this behaviour. Sadly, the quality of atmosphere within Duiran has continued to degrade - despite solid efforts from a select few - and some of the nonsense we witnessed most recently, combined with the four open elections, has put the final nail in the coffin for us.
Effective immediately, I have removed all leadership positions from Duiran and have nulled all four elections. I am introducing a new system of leadership in Duiran, with details as follows:
Duiran will now have three leaders known as Speakers. They will each have power equivalent to what the Feral Will held before - there will be no 'head' of Duiran. These Speakers will come from the three guilds of Duiran: Sentinels, Shamans and Sentaari. The Speaker position will be a new contestable position in the guild itself, and only guild members of that guild can contest for it and become a Speaker for Duiran. Should one of the Speakers work against the interest of Duiran for some reason, the other two Speakers (needs both) can instantly remove them from the position. I will be halving the time on the first elections for these positions, so that Duiran is not left without leadership for too long.
I am introducing these changes as a way to increase stability and security with leadership roles so that we can work towards more positive changes, and hopefully avoid any further drastic changes in the future.
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 3rd of Ios, in the year 458 MA.