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Announce News Post #2537


Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Wednesday, April 27th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey folks,

We're switching over the promotion a little early this time around, so Wheel Spins, Racetrack tickets and the 30% Credit Sale is coming to an end.

Replacing it are giftbags! You'll receive a giftbag for every 25 purchased from the website, and an extra giftbag for every 250 credits purchase!

Once you have a giftbag, simply UNWRAP it to claim the prize inside. Read HELP GIFTBAGS for what the giftbags might contain as I've shuffled things up, remove things and added things since last time. Almost all of the non-artifact items in the giftbags, with the exception of the new figurines, and gold can now be traded in directly for a small amount of credits credits using the PROMO TRADEIN <item> command. Artifacts traded in as per normal.

Here's a quick highlight of some of what's new:

6 new minipets:
- A tiny piglet
- An orel hatchling
- A mezilkree pup
- A fire imp
- A miniature, rabid bush
- A moccasin hatchling

Comes as a 'minipet cage' which you can open to obtain the minipet. Once the cage is opened, thee minipet is bound to you and cannot be traded in or to others. Only the cage itself can be traded.

Permanent* mounts:
- a war-painted orel (can fly)
- a three-headed direwolf
- a crystalline arachnid

Comes as a 'steed whistle' which you can blow to summon the mount. Once the whistle is blown, the mount is bound to you and cannot be traded in or to others. Only the whistle itself can be traded.
* Can still die, but will eventually respawn.

New style scrolls:
- Cowardly, Underhanded and Flippant.
- Many of the old style scrolls still remain!

Compendium pages:
- Forgotten Mausoleum
- Luzith's Lair
- Yuzurai
- Isle of Despair
- Tiyen Esityi and Fengard also make a return

Some new consumables:
- (rare) An imbued quartz of rebirth
Cracking the quartz will instantly heal you to full, and cure most of your afflictions. Requires and consumes balance to use, but has no other restrictions. Disappears on use.

- A leering skullmask
When worn, will mask your name on deathsight when killing someone. Will eventually decay.

- A mirror bomb
When thrown at the ground, everybody in the room will see their output in reverse for a few seconds. Quick way to make friends into enemies! Consumed on use.

- A preserved, yellowed eye
Will allow you to PEER <eye> <player>, allowing you to see everything in the room of any player, anywhere in the world, as if you were there yourself. Will peer across continents, planes, through phase, blackwind, spiritwalk, and death itself. Does not bypass the Elusion artifact power. Has 20 uses.

- Plus many old consumables make a return. Check HELP GIFTBAGS.

And lastly, we're introducing a new system: Collectible figurines! Every single giftbag will contain 1 figurine from our first collectible set: the Gods of Sapience! There's 24 different figurines you can collect - one for each of the Gods including those that have since departed. These are pure cosmetic items and don't have any special features with one exception: the golden figurine! Should you collect every figurine in a set, you'll get a special golden figurine for that set which will do periodic room echoes when dropped in a room. Read over HELP FIGURINES for more information.

Those of you that might happen to have some old figurines from back in the day will be pleased to know that we'll be grandfathering those figurines into the new system! This only applies to the Gods of Sapience set at the moment, but as we expand upon the system more will be added/grandfathered in.

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 13th of Khepary, in the year 458 MA.

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