Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6054-6015

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6054Mar 29th, 2017Pestilence.Claw Jenash, of the Nel ArgetEveryone
6053Mar 28th, 2017Infected, Progression...and You!Spellblade Runas dur NayaEveryone
6052Mar 28th, 2017Bloodloch Shop for AuctionLegionary Cordia D'baenEveryone
6051Mar 27th, 2017Advancement: A WarningSpellblade Runas dur NayaEveryone
6050Mar 25th, 2017Queen Nesvenai of MogheduFezzix SicariusEveryone
6049Mar 24th, 2017To Those DisplacedPentarch Rasani MorrogEveryone
6048Mar 24th, 2017To Councilor Holgraid of Delveprioress Aloli GallantEveryone
6047Mar 24th, 2017WormholesQueen Nesvenai of MogheduFezzix Sicarius
6046Mar 24th, 2017External PolicyQueen Nesvenai of MogheduEveryone
6045Mar 24th, 2017EritreaSoldier Cordia D'baenEveryone
6044Mar 24th, 2017Kelun HarborKeladorn, captain of the temple guardEveryone
6043Mar 24th, 2017Delve closing borders, effective immediatelyCouncilor HolgraidEveryone
6042Mar 13th, 2017Also seeking family...Beyam LhrenEveryone
6041Mar 12th, 2017Seeking lost family...Iniha ElisariEveryone
6040Mar 3rd, 2017PrairieBenedicto SilverainEveryone
6039Mar 1st, 2017Destruction to Malevolent's shrinesXenia Seirath-VetraEveryone
6038Feb 23rd, 2017Enemies of HelbaBrother BolanEveryone
6037Feb 15th, 2017Forging ContestKnight Rasani MorrogEveryone
6036Feb 13th, 2017In honor of Heva, the Speaker; the cult of the Azure Guard.Lin dur Naya, of Viru AmborEveryone
6035Feb 12th, 2017BloodlochAloli GallantEveryone
6034Feb 12th, 2017BloodlochKnight Rasani MorrogEveryone
6033Feb 12th, 2017BloodlochPrimus Abhorash NehekharaEveryone
6032Jan 26th, 2017Dear Drunk BugEydis Ilstrem-CardinalisEveryone
6031Jan 24th, 2017The CabalEocik, the NumerologistEveryone
6030Jan 19th, 2017Our newest additionHerolt, the deciphererEveryone
6029Jan 15th, 2017A small announcementHiale Karhast AkhaloerEveryone
6028Jan 11th, 2017Bloodloch People AuctionLegionary Hexes, Initiate of SoulsEveryone
6027Jan 10th, 2017Volunteer's to be Auctioned offLegionary Hexes, Initiate of SoulsEveryone
6026Jan 7th, 2017Be the ChangeAdministrator Apianora AgaveziEveryone
6025Dec 19th, 2016A sincere apologyShadow Warden Teani Tash'VetraSevern, the Manipulator
6024Dec 11th, 2016The Giver of BreathTengetengti, the Lead HistorianEveryone
6023Dec 11th, 2016Research, Science, & Co-operationDhalsia, a Prelate of the AccordEveryone
6022Nov 29th, 2016Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6021Nov 29th, 2016Esterport Lease ShopsZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6020Nov 23rd, 2016Shop ForsaleCamile Sa'ElaeEveryone
6019Nov 5th, 2016Roll up, roll up!Nia "Roadrash", the TroubadourEveryone
6018Oct 15th, 2016Bloom-off Conclusion!Nalin TalasiEveryone
6017Oct 7th, 2016A contest from the Siroccian Geological Society!Nalin TalasiEveryone
6016Sep 16th, 2016Auction ResultsLady Alathesia, Priestess of SoulsEveryone
6015Sep 13th, 2016This is the future you chose.LaitEveryone

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