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Public News Post #7436

Questing Competition

Written by: Do-Nothing Wjoltyr Togwick, Gravity Mage
Date: Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


It always seems that the contests pitting one another involves killing a bunch of stuff for essence, or killing the most stuff in a short period of time, or killing each other over and over again. Its been a long time since the questing prowess of Sapients has been tested.

Id like to change that. At least just this once. No, I have no fancy acronyms this time. Just a competition focused on one of my favorite pastimes. Sharpen your wit, put on your charm, and prepare to compete against your fellow adventurers to see whom amongst you is the greatest questors of today.

There are two categories to help level the playing field between new and old: Total Quests and Total new Unique Quests.

The rules are simple. Message me that you would like to participate any time over the next three weeks. Then, upon commencement of the designated competition period, complete quests. That's it*. After seven weeks, I will tabulate the results and announce the top three winners of each category.

Whats a competition without prizes?

1st Place: 5 Spoils of Creation or 150 credits
2nd Place: 75 credits
3rd Place: 25 credits

These prizes are valid for BOTH categories, so at least 500 credits in total prizes will be distributed.

What will your strategy be? Expand your horizons or stick to the tried and true?

Tabulation will begin in approximately three and a half weeks (roughly dusk on 6 Lexadian) and will be marked by a public post indicating the start of competition. It will run for seven weeks, ending approximately on 12 Haernos. Questing completed outside of this timeframe will not count, and failure to message me of your intent to participate will result in a non-entry. Adventurers from all walks of life or not-life are encouraged to participate. *All participants must participate in the relevant quest rankings.

For transparencys sake, specific scoring details will be provided upon request. Only activity done during the scoring period will contribute to a participants score. Maximum of one prize per participant.

Respectfully Submitted,

Wjoltyr Togwick, Gravity Mage

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 24th of Ivolnos, in the year 6 AC.

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