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Public News Post #7435

A Salmese Declaration

Written by: Horn King Aelir, Portent of the Wild Host
Date: Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

<In a writing style more akin to a likely kidnapped Jurismancer than a heathen barbarian>


Your benevolent conqueror, Horn King Aelir Lavellan, Portent of the Wild Host and one of Duiran's Speakers has decided it is time for you to act as properly conquered vassals. A settlement who cannot properly defend itself from wildling savages must, after all, capitulate to the demands of the 'Wilds'(the way the wilds is written is with considerable disdain of the admittedly flourishy hand).

As such, your 'blood price' will continue to ensue until you've learned your proper place in the 'Cycle' as prey animals. The kind and generous Horn King has stated the Duiran Council will be willing to meet perfectly reasonable terms befitting warriors to the defeated.

Respond soon or drown in your own blood.

Horn King Aelir Lavellan
His Fatalist
General Speaker of Duiran
Portent of the Wild Host

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 21st of Celes, in the year 6 AC.

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