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Public News Post #7375

Urgent Call for Aid: the Village of Yuzurai

Written by: Theio
Date: Friday, August 2nd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


**Urgent Call for Aid: Village of Yuzurai**

The village of Yuzurai is in desperate need of assistance. We are suffering from a severe outbreak of disease and famine, compounded by the loss of our hunters and able-bodied residents. Our situation has reached a critical point, and we urgently require support.

**Immediate Needs:**
- Medicine and medical supplies
- Food and clean drinking water
- Clothing and warm blankets
- Clean bandages and sanitation supplies

**Additional Support:**
Hunters are particularly needed to help cull the Rojalli population that has infested the forest below. Your skills could make a significant difference in managing this threat.

**How You Can Help:**
- **Donate Supplies:** Contributions can be made at the donation box located at coordinates: v59990.
- **Designers and Craftsmen:** We are in need of furnishings for Yuzurai. Especially seeking: hammocks for sleeping, cots for the sick, baskets for gathering food and means for housing supplies. There are also several children who could use toys, dolls, and books.
- **Volunteer:** If you can assist with hunting or other forms of aid, please reach out to Theio of the Yuzurai directly.

We are grateful for any assistance and inquiries. Your help can provide vital relief to our village during this crisis.

Thank you for your support.


Penned by my hand on Closday, the 16th of Lexadian, in the year 5 AC.

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