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Public News Post #7374

Deadly Dealings - Double Trouble begins!

Written by: Grimgix
Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Hail all,

I'm pleased to announce that the Duos tournament, Double Trouble, has begun! We currently have three teams represented by the following:

Team Exemplary Action: Knight-Aspirant Shara and Squire Zarranik!
The Thunder Squad: Thunder Princess Amyie and Sepyhie!
Just Wingin' It: Irra and Romeviti Theio!

All teams shall have until the 18th of Dharos 6MA to conclude their fights with each other, where upon the final scores will be tallied and the winners crowned!

Given there are only three teams, everyone stands to win a prize unless more challengers step up to the plate! Registration remains open until the end of the tournament, so please let me know if you would like to sign up! More details can be found on post number 7350 on the Public news boards!

Good luck to all participants, and let the blood flow!

In honour,

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 10th of Lexadian, in the year 5 AC.

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