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Changelog News Post #2345


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Thursday, July 11th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Thursday, the 11th of July, and the following changes have been implemented:

- A hotspot foci contention can no longer spawn on the major foci itself, locking you out of controlling it.

- Raze for Carnifex / Warden will now try and make use of Fluidity.

- Lifebloom / Resuscitation now has some messages when its passive tick heals you.

- CALENDAR now supports the new age instead of assuming it is still the Midnight Age.

- Style scrolls and voxes no longer get grouped together (on LOOK, INV, etc) if they're different types.

- The 'djeir_incantatum' quest now has a description.

- The $target_his_yours tag in EMOTE will now be replaced as 'theirs' for non-binary targets.

- The 'residual' stat in the Vitals GMCP table will now show the same number as REFINING RESERVES.

- Spire / Blanket can no longer be cast on yourself, even in places like a fighting pit.

- Putting ylemshards into thaumizers now properly shows the updated amount of dust it has.

- Fishing database has been cleaned up a bit to prevent overflow. You might be able to get new world records now, with a bit of luck.

- If you turn on a second Vigilance / Ingrain ability through Earthpaint / Imbuing (purple ink), it is now disabled if you remove it.

- Entomb / Bunker has been cleaned up a bit on the backend to ensure it checks for Deathlink / Entrench properly.

- Changing weretypes will now reset your den descriptions and settings to the new weretype defaults.

- ALCHEMY STATIC now requires a target in order to work.

- Ensorcelling your aegis a second time, while already ensorcelling, should no longer cause the aegis to freeze up and not trigger on enemy entry.

- The 'enhanced_sand' and 'enhanced_fog' artifacts no longer state they need to be worn, because it wasn't true!

- Apparitions should now properly reference their referred sizes instead of using Teradrim sand storm levels.

- You can now use $target_theirs_yours as a valid tag in EMOTES.

- Using Return / Withdraw will destroy your grove / laboratory if it is somewhere no longer released.

- The 'varnish' artifact now works on all furniture crafts.

- Golems and synths can no longer GET heavy items.

- You can no longer put 'linked_container' artifacts into other 'linked_container' artifacts.

- Using QW <name> to find matching names no longer states how lonely you are if there's only one person.

- LIBRARY UPKEEP ALL will now open a closed library if it has, for some reason, no outstanding debt. Weird.

- You can no longer erect shrines while phased.

- Any type of delayed movement can no longer prevent non-directional dashing movement.

- Stacked physical and environmental delayed movement no longer prevents non-directional movement of any type.

- The 'crystal_tome' relic can no longer be used in no teleport zones.

- Using FLY while in Hyriamah form no longer makes you appear like a crusty black bat.

- Fixed Woodcrafting still checking to see if you were carving with a tool from a mechanic aeons past. It may have been affecting your decay timers in some scenarios.

- Cooking food will now let you know if you use the wrong tool/heatsource required, lowering its nourishment/decay values, and potentially failing to cook it.

This notice was posted on the 9th of Chakros, in the year 5 AC.

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