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Changelog News Post #2346


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Friday, July 12th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Friday, the 12th of July, and the following changes have been implemented:

- Fixed the date display on RANKINGS BIGGEST FISH for fishes caught in new era.

- [Idea #8031] IC MISSING now supports VERBOSE and a search term. See HELP CACHE for details.

- [Idea #8027] The amphisbaena has two heads: it should be allowed to wear two little hats. Surprisingly an idea that was not submitted by Maeve.

- [Idea #7321/7747] You can now do CLT1 to replicate CLAN 1 TELL as a short hand.

- [Idea #7818] Add a total to the bottom of LANGUAGES to easily identify how many you currently speak.

- [Idea #6380] Character origin!

You can now select your character's origin hometown. This doesn't affect anything currently except for adding a line to your honours/score.
* ORIGIN SELECT <choice>

Not all choices will be available to you! These factors will affect it:
* Some choices are race/heritage locked.
* Some choices can't be picked unless you were old enough to be around for it (e.g. Ashtan).
* Some choices can't be picked if you were more than 12 years old at its founding date.
* You can use ORIGIN CHOICES ALL to see all possible origin choices, even the ones you can't pick.

NOTE: Origin selection is a permanent choice!

- [Idea #6323/7538] City/guild favour and disfavour now have independent cooldowns of each other.

- [Idea #2868] You can now wear mandolins, lutes, lyres, and guitars on your back!

- [Idea #4985] Chasuble, raiment, and vestment have been added as alternative identities to robes.

- [Idea #4955] The default bed design for Furniture now has a max weight set on it, letting you place items on the bed.

- [Idea #6234] Elene now knows the Grook language.

- [Idea #7933] Maeve wanted more people killing snakes, and so Bonro vipers and cobras now drop venom sacs!

- [Idea #4982] Rings can now be worn on toes if you so desire. Warning: this may change the pitter patter sound your feet make for those of you that insist on walking around barefoot. Edit your emotes accordingly!

- [Idea #5592/4536]
* The number of fame on someone's honours is restricted to 10 max.
* You can still do HONOURS <person> FAME to see the full glory of their achievements.
* By default, this will show your 10 latest fame.
* However, there is now a new command that will allow you to rank up to 10 of your fames to display.
* Use the FAME command.
* This also comes with a FAME LIST command that you can optionally do FAME LIST DATES with to see what date you received a fame line on.
* Note, however, that fames older than a certain date will not have an IRL date because it's from before we tracked them.

- [Idea #8057] Partlet has been added as an alternative identity to collar in tailoring.

- [Idea #7852] Anyone may now use the basic design viewing commands in DESIGN.

- [Idea #7426] Cigarettes (and cigars/blunts/cigarillos if you're so inclined) can now be worn on the mouth! That sounds.. weird, but you get the gist.

- [Idea #4333] You can now BATTLEFIELD <#> REASON <reason> to set a reason that will show up when looking at the battlefield plan, and will also show on the politics board post at the end.

- [Idea #7677] Dandelions can now be worn.

- [Idea #7712] Soap is now edible for those of you with either weird tastes or a propensity for colorful language.

- [Idea #7945] You can now set an end time for an EVENTS listing, which will keep the event listed as ONGOING on the events readout until the end time. End time can only be a maximum of +14 days from the start time.

- [Idea #6673] Kobolds may now also utilize the earflick emote. Yip!

- [Idea #5027] Smell/taste/eaten messages have been added to Dunixi's famous pie. Mmm pie.

- You can now EVENTS NOTIFY ME <#>, and the game will send you both a system message and an e-mail roughly 24 hours before the event is due to start.

- [Idea #7084] You can now BREAK promo prize containers (e.g. cryptic chests) to claim the items inside, and then destroy the chest, in one simple move.

This notice was posted on the 15th of Chakros, in the year 5 AC.

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