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Changelog News Post #2344


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Wednesday, July 10th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Wednesday, the 10th of July, and the following changes have been implemented:

- Pairing lockets no longer work in arena games where skills are turned off.

- Order essence loss now only occurs on a full death.

- The 'perfumery_boon' artifact will now make crafted diffusers last for twice as long.

- Foci can no longer spawn within line of sight of a city entrance.

- FISHING DISCERN now lists out the fish you can see more clearly.

- Ragnar should now respond to the 'Unless' quest prompt.

- The promotional divine blessing now counts towards the Missionary research perk.

- Putting an item into a container in a stockroom no longer triggers the item limit check on the room.

- The acidic gas in the Underhive has been fixed and will require a mask again.

- Adding an item to your fulcrum storage or your well will no longer let you if you are wielding it.

- AB TATTOOS SHIELD now has information about the equilibrium upset penalty it causes when striking it.

- The $amount tag has been removed from game action emotes (like DROP, etc) since its naturally a part of the $item tag. HELP EMOTES has more information.

- Combust / Kindle no longer resets resin / toxin cycles if you have no hot burn layer.

- Earthenmaw / Spearfall no longer drags you underground in rooms that have hard ground.

- Fixed Keelhaul having the wrong amount of skillpoints required to learn.

- You can no longer force other players to PRAY at shrines.

- Fixed some bugs with plant growth not quite happening how you'd expect.

- You can no longer be double resurrected should have accepted a resurrection right before you exit the Mirror.

- Resurrection now takes 10 seconds to complete after accepting an attempt to resurrect you.

- A dead vampire/duamvi still in the Sect Arena (usually happens when the death isn't directly credited to your opponent) should now properly be tracked as a loss for them.

- Trying to LOCK or UNLOCK doors will now tell you if it even has a lock.

- The Itzatl Morass is no longer referred to 'arbothiaswamp' in your Compendium.

- The 'artifact_bolas' item has had its description updated.

- Revenge abilities no longer trigger until you suffer a full death to prevent multi-death bugs. I've given an exception to Vengeance / Defiance, however they will only trigger on Soulcage / Remembrance and not other sources of second lives.

- COPYCONFIG will now copy across your combat messages config.

- An ellipsis within EMOTE will no longer be treated as a new sentence and capitalise the next word.

- Anesthetic compound will show as itself in AUDIT instead of the Shaman version.

- The 'dropbox' artifact should now be able to handle gold.

- The pathfinding system will recognise the sewer grates of Spinesreach again.

- Fecundity will show as itself on AUDIT instead of the Shaman version.

- Strengthen now properly shows Sanguis in its combat message instead of Blood.

- MARKETORDERS LIST MINE and LIST TAKEN are no longer weirdly flipped.

This notice was posted on the 2nd of Chakros, in the year 5 AC.

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