13.9 Writhe

When adventuring you may sometimes find yourself bound by a variety of things. Sword wielders can impale you with their blade, and Shamans can entangle you in choking vines. To avoid this, you have the ability to WRITHE. This might be a fight in your mind, or by physically twisting and turning.

Typing WRITHE on its own will pick the first entanglement you have in descending order from the list below, though it will then take a couple of seconds before you twist yourself free.

If you are bound by several bindings and you wish to escape a specific kind first, you may choose with WRITHE FROM <type>.

Type            Time (sec)    Description
impaled         2             A blade through your guts. Ow!
armpitlock      3 - 6         A favorite among the hairy.
necklock        3 - 6         There's better ways to say 'I love you.'
thighlock       3 - 6         A bit too close for comfort!
transfix        2.7 - 5.4     Oooh, shiny!
bind            3 - 6         Hmm. Ankles and wrists tied together.
gunk            5 - 7         Sticky gunk that holds you down.
ropes           2 or 3        So many ropes.
vines           2 or 3        The grasp of the forest.
web             2, 2, or 3    Sticky strands of web.
dartpinned      2 or 3        Pierced by a long dart.
ice             3 or 4        Encased in frosty ice.
hoist           2, 3, or 4    Let go of me, bird!
grappled        2 or 3        Within the grip of your foe.
stasis          3 or 4        There is no escaping your mind.

Writhe timers can be extended or decreased by certain effects and afflictions, however the base times are shown above. You can type AFFLICTION WRITHE_<type> for more information.