4.3 Honors

By typing VIEW HONOURS <player> you may see some publicly available information about that player. This information should be considered well known enough as to be common knowledge.


   VIEW HONOURS <player>
   HONOURS <player>

During your adventures, you may end up gaining fame through various quests and events. These will also show under your honours, and some of the fame lines will grant you special titles. Use the TITLES verb to see how to manage them.


   - Use this command to list any titles you may have available.

   TITLES SELECT <name|NONE> [gender]
   - This command will allow you to select a title, which will show under your
     HONOURS. The title in question will show up in a different colour depending
     on how rare it is. The brackets surrounding the title will not show if you
     have CONFIG SCREENREADER turned on.

     If you do not want to use any title, simply select NONE. The gender is
     optional, and by default will pick your character's current gender. You
     can pick any gender, but it will only work for those titles which have

Fame records, the achievement blurb lines listed at the very bottom of one's honours, will only list up to ten fame records of one's choosing. Use HONOURS <player> FAME to see all of their fame records. It is possible to edit which fame records are displayed when someone uses HONOURS on you if you have accrued much fame.


   HONOURS <player> FAME
   - This command will show you a player's full fame record list.

   - Use this to view all of your fame records. You may also check to see the
     date they were achieved by appending DATES. Note that very old fame records
     achieved prior to the dates being tracked will not show a date.

   - View your ranked fame records, the ten fames which others will see when
     using HONOURS on you.

   FAME RANK <fame id> <1-10>
   - This command will allow you to set which fame records you would like to
     display on your HONOURS. If you do not use this command to rank your fame
     records, the latest ten will display by default.

A typical honours would show as follows:

                      Lady Asteria, Watcher of the Heavens
                             <<< Indyuk Warrior >>>
She is 140 years old, having been born on the 6th of Severin, year 89 of
the Midnight Age.
She is ranked 413th in Aetolia.
She is a Vagabond in the Fellowship of Explorers.
She is a member of the clan called 'The Ohmsford Clan'.
She has written a personal background.
She is considered to be approximately 50% of your might.

She is an honorary Indyuk warrior.

The first line shows the person's name along with any prefixes and suffixes they may have. The second shows their selected title. Her age and date of birth follows that. Next comes her overall rank in Aetolia. This is based solely on the amount of experience she has gained, with a full list available in RANKINGS (or RANKINGS [#]).                                             

Then is her rank in the Fellowship of Explorers. This is a measure of how much of Aetolia she has explored - when you compare to HELP EXPLORERS, she hasn't explored very much at all!

Afterwards come any clans she has joined, or that she might be in possession of, that are available to public view. She appears to be in a family clan and nothing more, though there may be hidden ones!

The next line shows that she has written a background. If she were a real character, you could VIEW BACKGROUND ASTERIA to try to read it.

After that is an approximation of her might compared to your own. This is based solely on the difference between how many lessons both you and she have spent learning your skills. Someone who is 0% your might has probably learned very little, and someone who is 3000% your might has obviously spent a lot of time learning.                                        

You will find other information when using the command, but these are the most common ones.