22.5.3 Forging References

These are your options for the various forging items that can be made. Special
note: Weapons and armor, in forging, can be referred to as "weapon", "armor", or
"sword" for the purpose of using these objects. You must use the fullname of the
available reference tags. These cannot be used as an alternative names for your

For example, if you wish to design 'a small shield', you would still need to
specify the shield type as 'a small buckler shield' or something of that variety
- making sure to find a design that fits the look of the item. This applies also
to weapons. So, if you wish to make 'a child's sword' you would need to do 'a
child's shortsword' or something of that fashion.

Some of these references are self-contained (e.g. "byrnie" is the full name of a
type of armor and needs no clarification). For others, such as "rawhide" for
leather, it is necessary to specify the item as "rawhide armour". See below for
examples of when this must be used.

Any instance of "armour" may be replaced with "armor".

Design #    |  Item Description              | Available Reference Tags |
164            a pair of large pauldrons       pauldrons | pauldron
                                               spaulders | jackchains
5130           an ornate steel rapier          rapier
5131           a wooden club                   club
5132           a needle-pointed dirk           dirk
5133           a hunter's spear                spear
5134           a massive halberd               halberd | polearm
5135           a steel shortsword              shortsword
5136           a Basilican mace                mace
5137           a throwing axe                  handaxe | throwing axe
5138           a bardiche                      bardiche | polearm
5139           an elegant crozier              crozier
5140           an obsidian dagger              dagger | knife | seax
5141           an iron-tipped whip             whip | lash
5142           a morning star                  morningstar
5143           a blackened warhammer           warhammer | hammer
5145           a sleek javelin                 javelin
5146           a menacing flail                flail
5147           a gladiator's trident           trident
5148           a dwarven battleaxe             battleaxe | axe
5149           a Delosian bastard sword        bastard sword
5150           a knight's lance                lance
5151           a gleaming scimitar             scimitar | sabre
5152           a steel Theran broadsword       broadsword
5153           a shining steel longsword       longsword
5161           a suit of leather armour        leatherarmour | rawhide
                                               lamellar | cuirbouilli
                                               harness | padded | aketon
5162           a suit of ring mail             ringmail | disc | jazerant
5163           a suit of scale mail            scalemail | scale | hauberk
                                               haubergeon | laminar
5164           a suit of steel chain mail      chainmail | chain | byrnie
5165           a suit of splint mail           splintmail | splint
5168           field plate armour              fieldplate | field | plate
                                               platemail | brigandine
5169           full plate armour               fullplate | platemail
5170           a buckler                       buckler
5171           a cavalry shield                cavalry
5172           a banded shield                 banded
5173           a kite shield                   kite
5176           a tower shield                  tower
5177           a bread pan                     breadpan | pan
5178           a metal pie plate               pieplate | plate
5179           a metal cookie sheet            sheet | cookiesheet
5180           a cast-iron cooking pot         pot | skillet| roaster
                                               stockpot | saucepan | pan
5187           a three-footed iron cauldron    cauldron
5204           a metal pastry pan              pastrypan | pan
5238           a cast-iron kettle              kettle
5249           a suit of canine armour         armour | armor
7922           a sweeping, polished falchion   falchion | falcata
8953           a set of steel cuisses          cuisses | cuisse | tassets
                                               | tasset
9249           a narrow stiletto               stiletto | weapon
10588          a simple iron helmet            helm | helmet
10717          a curved steel falx             falx
10858          iron riding spurs               spurs | spur
11198          a hefty gladius                 gladius | sword
11506          an iron gorget                  gorget
12190          a war dart                      dart | wardart | plumbata
                                               | weapon
13428          a chain of silver links         chain
14784          a twin-bladed manta             manta | mantablade | sword
                                               | sword
15627          a narrow, sinuous flyssa        flyssa
17633          a large, two-handed greatspear  greatspear
17656          a reinforced wooden cudgel      cudgel
17719          a pair of heavy wargauntlets    wargauntlets
17731          a long, leaf-bladed sarissa     sarissa | spear | weapon
17886          a large flanged greatmaul       maul | greatmaul
18009          a sword blank                   blank
18685          a long-staffed glaive           glaive
19196          a gruesome crescent scythe      scythe
21389          a chained meat hook             hook
21471          a set of metal fangs            fangs
22752          an iron scalpel                 scalpel
26043          an iron sickle                  sickle
26560          a sturdy, steel ringblade       ringblade
27740          a flanged pernach               pernach
27741          a steel warpick                 warpick
29531          a Hlugnic estoc                 estoc