4.11.1 Duamvi Stats

Becoming a host to the Duamvi provides a number of advantages and disadvantages over the norm. Your body will not be the same and undergo some minor changes.

Duamvi sub-race
A duamvi...

- Are visibly a host for the duamvi when looked at.
- Can FORM LIGHT to create a globe of light.
- Has slightly increased max mana.
- Regenerates health in a temple.
- Heals slightly less from the boar tattoo.
- Has slightly lower regeneration of endurance.
- Has slightly faster regeneration of willpower.
- Can wield the shotel for Battlefury skills.
- Do not need a focalmark to enact Purification skills.
- Is slightly more vulnerable to shadow damage.

Ascended duamvi, more widely recognized as members of the Akkari Host, have several additional differences from those who are normal duamvi.

Ascended duamvi sub-race

Ascended duamvi...

- Have the same attributes as duamvi.
- Are visibly ascended when looked at.
- Are reduced to ascended consciousness upon "death".
- Do not regenerate blood while sleeping.
- Suffer from damage and afflictions at night due to the dark star.
- May DELIVER denizens of the realm in order to replenish their spirit.
- Must INHUME to anchor themselves to the Prime in order to obtain a new body.
- May APPEAL TO SANCTUARY to obtain a new body in safety.
- Spend 5% less mana on Thaumaturgy abilities.