3.11.2 Composer Colors

When using the editor for adding text to orghelp files, projects, or treaties, you can write in color using the commands listed in this help file.

These commands also work for books/journals/letters/newsposts if you have the appropriate artifact.

Inline text:
{text to colour|colour name}
{text to colour|colour number}

I am going to {colour this text|boldred} in a bold red colour.
I am going to {colour this text|52} in a dark red colour.

Full line:
*color The text to color COLORNAME 

*color I am going to colour this text in a bold red color. BOLDRED

Note: This command does not work in the mudlet or Nexus composers. It will work, but you would have to turn off the composer and use the in-game composer.

Further Note: You can use the 'colours' spelling interchangeably with 'color'.

You may use any of the colours listed under the COLORS NAMES command. With the exception of the base 0-15 colours, you should always use the colour number rather than the name.