Antiquated Goggles

A Pair of Venantium Clockwork Goggles
This Antiquated Artifact replicates the function of your standard goggles for seeing mists, but also includes a large number of lenses designed to boost your visual acuity.

GOGGLE MODEL will tell you the interesting things about your particular goggles. 

Defenses are turned off or on with GOGGLE TOGGLE <defense>.

Antiquated artifact salvage may be sometimes made available as part of a promotion. This salvage can be taken to Qeddwyn in Esterport, who will either work the salvage into an antiquated artifact, or will upgrade the level of an existing antiquated artifact you own. 

This will turn a piece of artifact salvage into the specified antiquated artifact type (level 1). Only the person who the salvage bears the mark of can exchange it for an antiquated artifact.

Upgrades an antiquated artifact you already possess to the next level. You do not need to be the owner of the salvage to do this.

Level 1: 
NIGHTSIGHT - without mana/eq cost.

Level 2: 
MINDSEYE and THIRDEYE - without mana/eq cost.

Level 3: 
Enhanced SACRAL/SECRETS/TRAPS/FORTS - If you possess one of these skills, it will no longer take balance/equilibrium.

Level 4: 
AUDITSIGHT <target>. See someone else's Audit.

Level 5: 
OVERWATCH. This is like Treewatch and Skywatch combined, but it doesn't have a mana or willpower drain.

Level 6: 
Weatherbane - See through Blizzards and Fog.

Level 7: 
Hypersight becomes less mana intensive, and Vigilance has its efficacy increased.

Level 8:
INSIGHT - You may see others' thoughts. (Thoughts made through the THINK command)

Level 9: 
LIFEVISION - See all that shows signs of life, even undead.

Level 10: 
PHASESENSE - PHASESENSE <target> Like farsee for the phased.

Level 11: 
Deathsight messages come with information on the room where the person died.

Level 12: 
OBSERVE - without mana/eq cost.

Level 13: 
GOGGLE SCAN <target> - Look at someone's SCORE.

Level 14: 
SHAREDSIGHT - Share your improved sight with allies in the room. Has a mana drain.

Level 15:
LEYLINES will have improved range.

Level 16: 
FISHSIGHT - Learn all about those fishies. How many, what those elusive 'unknown' types are, even what you have on the line.

Level 17: 
LIPREADING - Hear while deaf, and in high winds.

Level 18: 
GOGGLE SEEK <target> - Find out where they are, how they're doing, and who they're with.

Level 19: 
Focisight - GOGGLE ATTUNE, and now you will see exactly where Foci appear in that area, no matter where you are.

Level 20: 
DIVINESIGHT - Full information on WHO. (planes, continents, chameleon) See through doors/walls, and see if someone is looking for you. It does not cancel out other artifacts for hiding, though.

Special: At level 4, you unlock the ability to modify the Goggles description, name, and wearlocation into an alternate version. Every 4 levels after that unlocks another 'skin'. 
0: goggles
4: glasses
8: circlet
12: eyeball (single eyesocket location)
16: thirdeye (new wear location)
20: cuff (earcuff)