22.5.6 Tailoring References

These are your options for the various tailoring items that can be made.
Design #    |  Item Description              | Available Reference Tags |
323            a simple handkerchief           handkerchief
2884           a plain costume                 costume
2887           a plain napkin                  napkin
3469           a grey short skirt              skirt | shortskirt
3470           a grey long skirt               skirt | longskirt | sarong
3471           a grey shirt                    shirt | top
3472           a long grey dress               dress | sundress
3473           plain brown shoes               shoes | heels
3474           plain brown boots               boots | jackboots
3475           a pair of grey trousers         trousers | pants | breeches
                                               leggings | knickers | slacks
3476           a grey tunic                    tunic
3477           a plain grey cloak              cloak | burnoose
3478           a grey hat                      hat | cap | headdress
                                               bonnet | turban | coif
3479           a plain belt                    belt | hipscarf | cummerbund
3480           a pair of leather gloves        gloves | gauntlets
3481           a plain grey vest               vest | waistcoat | doublet
3482           a plain grey surcoat            surcoat | coat | jerkin
3483           a plain pair of panties         panties | underwear | bloomers
3484           a plain grey kilt               kilt
3485           a plain cloth doll              doll
3486           a short grey cape               cape | shortcape | poncho
3487           a plain pair of underpants      underwear | underpants | briefs
3488           a plain grey bra                bra | brassiere
3489           a long grey cape                cape | longcape
3490           a plain grey long coat          longcoat | overcoat | coat
                                               sherwani | justacorps
3491           a simple tapestry               tapestry | hanging
3492           a plain grey sweater            shirt | pullover | sweater
3493           a plain grey gown               gown | bliaut | dress
3494           an unadorned leather mask       mask
3495           a plain grey undershirt         shirt | undershirt
3496           a plain grey bandana            bandana | kerchief
3497           a grey woolen rug               rug | carpet | mat
3498           a plain grey toga               toga | stola | kehrta
3499           a plain grey blouse             blouse
3500           a pair of plain sandals         sandals | shoes
3501           a plain grey short coat         shortcoat | jacket | coat
3502           a plain white veil              veil | headscarf
3503           a pair of stockings             stockings | hosen
3504           a plain pair of socks           socks
3505           a drab gray satchel             satchel
3506           a loose-fitting chemise         chemise | pajamas | sleepwear
3507           a gray, drab bodice             bodice
3508           a quiver                        quiver
3509           a plain grey sash               sash
3510           a simple thong                  thong | underwear | underpants
3511           a plain grey towel              towel
3512           a plain brown hood              hood | cowl
3513           a plain grey slip               slip
3514           a plain grey shawl              shawl | wrap | mantle
3515           a plain grey quilt              quilt | blanket | throw
3516           a plain grey pouch              pouch | purse
3517           a plain grey headband           headband
3518           a plain grey cushion            cushion | pillow
3519           a plain grey corset             corset
3520           a plain leather weaponbelt      weaponbelt | belt | bandolier
                                               baldric | harness
3521           a plain grey apron              apron | smock
3522           a simple kimono                 kimono
3523           a plain leather cap             cap | coif
3524           a plain grey collar             collar | gorget
3525           a plain grey nightgown          nightgown
3526           a pair of plain, cozy slippers  slippers
3527           a plain grey kitbag             kitbag | bag
3528           a plain grey scarf              scarf | stole
3529           a grey eyepatch                 eyepatch | patch | eye-patch
3530           a plain grey robe               robe | robes | kisamoro
3531           a plain, soft negligee          negligee
3532           a pair of plain grey boxers     boxers | shorts | underwear
3533           a simple leather wineskin       wineskin | skin | waterskin
3534           a coarse teddy                  teddy
3535           a plain armband                 armband | band | armlet |
3536           a plain grey pack               pack | backpack | rucksack
3537           a supple loincloth              loincloth | shendyt
3538           a simple white bandage          bandage
3539           a pair of plain leather bracers bracers | bracer | wristguard
                                               wristguards | vambrace | cuff
                                               sleeves | vambraces | cuffs
3540           a plain gray blanket            blanket | throw
5442           a simple pair of mittens        mittens
7234           a grey garland                  garland
7415           a plain grey sari               sari
7749           a pair of leather gaiters       gaiters | chaps
7925           a simple falconry glove         glove | gauntlet | gloves
8838           a simple flag                   flag | banner
8862           a plain gray gambeson           gambeson | coat
9035           a plain grey hair ribbon        hairribbon | hairribbons
                                               ribbons | ribbon | hairtie
9427           a plain white tablecloth        tablecloth | tablerunner
9694           a plump, stuffed mattress       mattress
10008          a set of plain sheets           sheet | sheets | bedsheet
10020          a plain grey tabard             tabard
10024          a simple prayermat              prayermat | mat
10025          a plain grey camisole           camisole
10122          a plain grey cravat             cravat | necktie | tie
10506          a pair of grey suspenders       suspenders
10507          a pair of grey overalls         overalls | coveralls
10513          a simple blindfold              blindfold
11418          a simple grey bedroll           bedroll
11421          plain grey garters              garters | garter
13209          a set of grey curtains          curtains | curtain | drapes
14226          an ill-formed wig               wig
16186          a dull uniform                  uniform | suit
18007          a simple wound dressing         dressing  
18154          a plain leather scabbard        scabbard | sheath
18350          a drab grey leotard             leotard | bodysuit
22654          some plain leg wraps            wraps | wrap
27601          a rag of cloth                  rag | cloth | venomrag