4.15.22 Roleplaying an Infiltrator
By far the most covert of professions, Infiltrators are rogues, spies, assassins, and occasionally thieves. Slippery in battle and subtle in execution, Infiltrator work in the shadows, often choosing their own terms of engagement by dint of their peerless ability to traverse secret ways and means where others fumble in the dark.
The origin of the Infiltrator lies with the Shadowsnakes, an experiment of the ancient Ankyreans created as a workforce to defend their city of Spinesreach. In their original incarnation, Shadowsnakes were incredibly snake-like, able to create venoms from glands in their own bodies. Devised as a fiercely loyal cadre of covert operatives, much of this loyalty - to Spinesreach, and to Severn in particular - survives into the present day.
Oaths given in ages past yet hold firm, cultivating a deep reverence for the dead and to the past of the guild which, through many incarnations, remains a bastion of service to the Spires.
[0;1;33mHow are the powers of the class accessed?[0;37m
No longer physically serpentine like their forebears, modern Infiltrators derive much of their power from Severn, the Manipulator - Lord of Artifice and Warden of Shadow on the Prime. This manifests through various abilities allowing Infiltrators to manipulate ambient shadow in order to conjure illusions, bedazzle and beguile others, and of course, their signature ability to phase completely out of reality and walk the world unseen and near-inviolate.
Conversely, a majority of the Infiltrator talents are martial and - comparatively - mundane in nature. Much of Assassination and Subterfuge centre around physical prowess and dexterity, as well as subtlety, legerdemain, and sleight of hand that to an ignorant onlooker may indeed appear like magic.
This is a deliberate and stark contrast to Spinesreach's other native professions, the Sciomancers and Archivists; where the former strive to wield the magics of Shadow and the latter seek to unravel the world's mysteries, Infiltrators work towards understanding people. This takes place through both direct and indirect observation and interaction, as well as a much deeper understanding achieved through hypnotism and the mental manipulation conducted via post-hypnotic suggestion.
[0;1;33mVisual style of the class:[0;37m
Given their nature, a singular visual style is somewhat difficult to define. Despite the archetypal presence as rogues, training is what truly defines a Infiltrator, and a brawny Minotaur (indeed, the Lord of Artifice is perhaps the most renowned wielder of the subtle arts in history, yet dwells in the form of one such) is equally capable of the same subtlety and guile as an agile Mhun.
Though their purpose is frequently touted as the defence of Spinesreach, Infiltrators are not honourable knights or chivalrous warriors. Wielding dirk and wearing scale, their style is a subtle and tricky one, favouring wit, precision, and cunning over the application of raw strength or direct confrontation. In everyday life, many attempt to go unnoticed and blend in while others are flamboyant and eye-catching -- whether naturally or as part of some kind of scheme.
[0;1;33mSide effects of use:[0;37m
While many of Aetolia's professions adventure for glory, honour, and renown, Infiltrators tend to be the opposite, and often keep to themselves. This can create something of a lonely, isolated existence for those who choose not to ply their trade through gossip and networking.
Infiltrators also deal with a significant amount of distrust and suspicion from those outside their close-knit groups, and this can foster similar mistrust in return. Few Infiltrators enjoy the company or spectacle of large crowds and are often more at home stalking a single target than partaking in the social niceties or groups.
[0;1;33mRoleplaying the class:[0;37m
Fanatical loyalty to Spinesreach is the overarching theme connecting the often disparate members of the Guild. Individualism remains key to this, however, and the means by which that oath to the Spires is fulfilled spans a large spectrum of styles and themes. Whether outside the Guild or part of its cadre, however, there exists a similarly wide spectrum of approaches that Infiltrators can employ.
Typically these fall under one of several umbrellas that the Guild still uses to this day: Artifice, Influence, and Intimidation. Rarely do two Infiltrators imitate one another, and classical, sneaky saboteurs are as common as the charming, influential rogue and the invisible assassin. Sweet talking, espionage, and observation are as valid as the knife in the back.