3.7.1 Custom Shouts
After a player ascends their mortal husk by obtaining the 100th circle, they are able to hone their voice to be distinctive when they shout. Though intended to be unique, there are a few rules regarding the shouts, such as the wording of the shout must actually _be_ a shout, or an intonation, or any variation of the word. World-wide whispers will not be approved. As with normal crafting, any dictation of the emotions or actions the hearer takes will likewise not be approved. This is how your voice, and your voice alone, sounds when projected over the continent. Therefore, it should be: - Confined to your voice. - It can not impact the environment (sky flashes, temperature rises, etc). - It must be your voice alone (no wailing souls or lapping waves) - It can not force feelings (Your hair rises, chills down your spine, etc) - It should not include titles as they can change; also, just hearing your voice should not convey knowledge of your title. Good Examples: Resonant with derisive malice, Ere shouts, "Blah blah blah." Dull despite the volume, Keroc's ponderous voice resonates, "Blah blah." CSHOUTS SET <text> - Set how you would like your custom shout to look. - Use the token $(name$) for your name. CSHOUTS SHOW - Show what your custom shout will look like. CSHOUTS SUBMIT - Submit your custom shout for Divine approval. CSHOUTS REMOVE - Unsubmit & remove your custom shout, reverting to the default.