
Crystalism is a powerful magical art, relying upon the mathematical relationships between shape, momentum, and sound in order to create vibrations: precise distortions in reality that bring about ongoing magical effects. A novice of the art can warm or cool a room, while trained mages can create vibrations which are capable of hurling their spells across immense distances.


In order to embed a vibration, a mage must follow three steps:

* Acquire the necessary crystal shapes (see a vibration's AB file if you need to know which.)

   * REFINE [num] <shape> (from a Master Crystal; up to 100 at a time)
   * HEW <shape> (requires a pearl; not recommended, as it's much less efficient)

* Making sure the necessary shapes are in your inventory, SPIN <shape>. You may only have one of each kind of crystal spinning in a room at once.

* Once all of the necessary crystals are spinning, EMBED <vibration>.

Most vibrations are ongoing, room-based effects, though there are a few exceptions to this rule.


Using VIBEALERT <vibe> ON/OFF, you can toggle whether or not a message is sent when one of your vibrations hits a victim. Typing VIBEALERT on its own will tell you which vibrations you're watching.