22.5.1 Cooking References

These are your options for the various cooking items that can be made.
Design #    |  Item Description              | Available Reference Tags |
1456           a plate of roasted vegetables   plate | dish | platter |
1457           a slice of white cake           slice
1462           a bland hotpot                  hotpot | tagine
1947           a soft biscuit                  biscuit | biscuits | scone
2746           a dish of candied yams          dish | yams | candied
3237           a bland custard                 custard
3541           a simple stew                   stew | bowl
3542           a simple bacon sandwich         sandwich | roll  | wrap |
3543           a golden loaf of corn bread     bread | loaf | flatbread
3544           a tender steak                  steak
3545           a small bowl of porridge        porridge | oatmeal | bowl
                                               gruel | risotto
3546           a bland pudding                 pudding | dessert |mousse
3547           a sausage                       sausage
3548           a bowl of soup                  soup | bowl | pottage
                                               chowder | broth
3549           a honey cake                    cake | cupcake | cheesecake
3550           some white buttercream frost    frosting | icing
3551           a cooked lobster                lobster | lobsters
3552           a Celesmas cookie               cookie | cookies
3553           a small bag of chocolate tof    chocolate | candy | candies
                                               chocolates | taffy |
3554           a simple casserole              casserole | meatloaf
3555           a blueberry tart                tart | tartlet
3556           a simple omelet                 omelet | omelette
3557           a plain pancake                 pancake | pancakes
                                               waffle | waffles
3558           a bland salad                   salad
3559           a cheese pizza                  pizza
3560           a strawberry pie                pie | pasty | cobbler
3561           tomato paste                    paste | tomatopaste
3563           a flavorless snack              snack
6322           a simple cookie cup             cup | bowl | dish
7414           some plain salad dressing       dressing
8467           a chocolate truffle             truffle
9283           a tasty cooked fish             fish | filet | fillet |
9302           a simple feast                  feast | buffet
9305           a floral shortbread             subtlety | entrement
10259          a thin, bland crepe             crepe | crepes
10277          a bland dessert bar              bar | dessert
15283          a bowl of plain noodles         noodles | bowl | pasta
16744          a chocolate roll                roll | rolls | pastry | bun
18008          a war ration                    ration | warration
18910          a ham and cheese corn muffin    muffin
19513          a small pinch of salt           pinch | blend
19516          a bland beef roast              roast | haunch
19574          a uninteresting kebab           kebab | kebabs | skewer
19604          a bland ration                  ration | waybread