10.3 City Leaders

City leaders are both the figurehead and most powerful person in a city in political terms. Chosen by the ruling council (HELP RULINGCOUNCILS), and by necessity a member of it, the city leader is responsible for choosing the Ministers of a city.

A city leader is quite powerful within the city, they have all the powers of an aide in any ministry by default.

They also have access to all the commands as another member of the ruling council, with some additions:

APPOINT <ministry> <citizen>
 - Appoint ministers to the service of the city.
 - Valid offices are: Ambassador, War, Security, Treasurer, Steward, Trade,
   Chancellor, Culture, Development, or Research.

AIDE <person> TO <ministry>
 - Add an aide to a ministry.

UNAIDE <person> FROM <ministry>
 - Remove an aide from a ministry.
 - View the amount of gold contained in the city coffers.

CITY CREDITS TRANSFER <amount> TO <player> [BOUND] <reason>
 - Transfer credits from the city account.

 - Choose the Patron of your city.

 - View a list of the city ranks.

CITY RANK <MALE|FEMALE> <1-20> <new rank name>
 - Changes the specific city rank level to a new name.

 - See clans pledged to the city.

CLAN RESET <clan name> TO <new clan head>
   - For city/guild leaders. Instates a new clan head of a clan pledged
     to the city or guild.

 - Publicly condemn another city for their recent actions. This
   is the first step towards declaring war, placing your relations with
   the organization into a 'strained' state. This status will expire after
   7 IRL days. Only the city leader may do this, and it must be done
   from the city's council room.
 - Any pre-existing relationship between the two organizations will
   make condemnation not possible, and as a result, war impossible, until
   it is resolved.

CITY DECLARE WAR ON <organization>
 - Declare war on an organization. This action will require both cities
   relations to be strained for roughly 2 IRL days first. Only the War
   Minister or city leader may do this, and it must be done from the War
 - While at war, troop conscript costs are doubled, citizens of the
   opposing organization will be attacked on sight by guards, and the
   city militia's will be able to engage each other.
 - HELP TERRITORIES will explain the victory conditions of a war, but
   diplomacy is still possible.

 - Declare your surrender to a warring organization. You can only
   surrender in this method while your relations are strained, and not
   once war is declared. Doing so will cede any territory you have to
   the opposing organization and place you into a state of surrender
   for 25 IRL days. Only the War Minister or city leader may do this,
   and it must be done from the War Room.
 - Once war has begun, surrender must be negotiated through the treaty
   system (HELP TREATY).