Aetolian Game News
The Quill and the Blood
Written by: Paxe Amarantus, Courter of Ruin
Date: Friday, February 28th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
Whether painted across parchment or choked up upon the sands, ink
and blood are but two shades of the same truth; their memory fated
to outlast the convictions that wrought them. Every holy recitation.
Every hushed prayer. Every trembling verse of prophecy. Every oath
sworn or blood-soaked vow forsaken leaves a mark indelible upon its
author, be they poet or warrior-priest.
Bring us your tales of the Divine. Not as distant figures deserving
of hollow praise, but as terror and ecstasy. Tell us of faith, of
fear, of the Gods as They are, not as They wished to be. Whisper the
dread of those who have seen Them too clearly. Stoke the zeal of those
who have burned for Them. Speak in tongues of miracles that taste like
ash, of prayers answered in ruin and revelation, of the skin of the
world peeled back to reveal secrets too wondrous and terrible to
instill anything but madness.
>> Submitted tales must center around the Gods. Their wrath,
Their mercy, Their indifference, Their hunger; any facet or
all, there is precious little limitation.
>> Any Divine or interpretation of the Divine is acceptable;
inclusive of living, dead, Albedi, Sapient, Elder, etc.
>> Fact or fiction is immaterial, one may portray the Divine
accurately in myth or poetry as easily as first-hand account.
>> Tales must be told with conviction.
Submissions are entered by mailing them via LETTER to PAXE, and must
be received by the 8th of Celes, 10 AC to be considered. These will
be reviewed as anonymous works by a hand-selected counsel, and the most
profound three selected for Apostolic reward, their names remembered as
those who grasped at threads of the ineffable.
1st: 100 credits
2nd: 50 credits
3rd: 25 credits
Paxe Amarantus
Architect of Blood and Bone
Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 21st of Haernos, in the year 9 AC.