Aetolian Game News
Fame and Infamy Battlefields
Written by: Paxe Amarantus, Courter of Ruin
Date: Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
So the Indelible has spoken:
By My eye, then, I arrange these challenges: the Archivists
and the Shamans shall battle for faith and science make
suitable foes.
The Dominion and the Carnifex shall duel one another to prove
the supremacy of their idealogies: is it blood and immortality
that drives the empire most sanguine, or is it the brutality
of the Black Keep?
The winners of these shall battle one another. The victor of
that penultimate duel shall become My proxy, just as the the
Apostles are Ivoln's. Thus you shall have the final display
of enmity.
Declare your challenges. Determine your proving grounds. Dance the
dance of swords and spears in remembrance of the Great Father's
battles of old. Come to an accord on the nature of the battlefield
and conclude it.
First blood must be counted by the 5th of Dharos, 10 AC.
Should the matches conclude in advance, we may move on to the next
more swiftly.
The Apostles of Azvosh await Her champions in the aftermath.
May you never know peace.
Paxe Amarantus
Architect of Blood and Bone
Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 4th of Haernos, in the year 9 AC.