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Public News Post #7554

Sign ups open for Sapience Brawl: Captain's Choice!

Written by: Grimgix
Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone

Hail all,

I'm pleased to announce that Clan Deadly Dealings will be organizing a Captain's Draft tournament, named "Sapience Brawl: Captain's Choice", or SB:CC!

The event will be open for registration until 25th of Lleian, 9 AC, after which all registrants shall vote for two captains to represent two teams. Once voting is done, the two captains shall then take turns to draft their champions from the pool of participants to duel in a series of Best of One fights!

Current fight formats shall be a series of 1v1s and 2v2s. If the pools allow for it, we may also arrange for a set of 3v3s as well.

Once all participants have been drafted and the fighting types and orders fixed, both captains shall submit their list of fighters to represent their teams and the fights may begin! (This means fighters will not know who they will be matched up against until the fighting order and lists have been submitted!) Each fighter may only participate in one fight, unless there is an unlikely event of there being an odd person left out.

The event shall end once all fights have been completed, or by the 7th of Lleian, 10 AC, whichever is earlier.

The team with the most wins shall win a total of 300 credits, to be split among the winning members as they see fit! The other team shall win a total of 500,000 gold to be split among the members as they see fit. This prize pool may grow if we see a large number of participants!

This event will be open to everyone, without limitation to any City or Faction! If you'd like to register, please send me a message with the following information:
1) Your Name
2) What classes you would like to register with
3) Please let me know if you would like to NOT be paired with anyone particular adventurer for group 2v2s or 3v3s, and I shall alert your captains when the time comes.

Thank you for your time, and please feel free to send me a tell or message if you might have any questions on the event! I look forward to your participation!!

In Honour,
(// link for registry if this is easier for submission!: )

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 4th of Lleian, in the year 9 AC.

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