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Public News Post #7417

Battle of the Brides

Written by: the office of Maeve Visara, the Red
Date: Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


It has come to my attention that there are many who boast loudly, and often, about their wives' combat prowess, beauty, intelligence, creativity, and other such virtues.

Really there is only one wife who can claim the title for all of these merits (mine), however, I've decided to host a world-wide pageant so that you proud husbands and wives can attempt to dethrone her.

Can your wife skin rabbits with her teeth and both hands tied behind her back?

Does she have the voice of a nightingale?

Is she able to drink any and all Carnifex under the table?

Or perhaps her skills lie in the kitchen brewing the *most* poisonous teas and kawhes?

Can the simple flexing of a wifely bicep bring an entire nest of Vampires to their knees?

Are her scathing stares so deadly that she can kill a man just by looking at him?

Do her comely elbows frequently incite riots in Esterport?

Enroll your wonderful wives in Sapience's very first "BATTLE OF THE BRIDES" and put your money where your mouth is.

All interested parties should address a letter or message to myself with the pertinent details - their wife's name, talents, location and so forth. The date and locale will be announced once I've ensured sufficient interest. As soon as I have enough competitors I'll be sending out a list of events/competitions for our comely competitors to enlist in.

Or don't even bother because my wife will beat all of yours anyway.

Maeve Visara, the Red

Officially released on Closday, the 16th of Dharos, in the year 6 AC.

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