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Public News Post #7393

Order Duty

Written by: Arbiter Traice Legare, Wilds Outsider
Date: Thursday, August 15th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


It is ever the duty of the Fatalist to guide all they can to the path of the Cycle and as such I am reminding all of Sapience that we of the Underkings order are always here to assist in matters of curing. I have reorganized the order shop, currently located in the Heartwood, so that all cure related materials sold there are now free or as close to free as I could make them. We will help you return to the Cycle, regardless of your loyalties and without bias. Should you be unable to enter the Heartwood you may seek any Fatalist out for assistance.

His Arbiter,

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 20th of Sapiarch, in the year 6 AC.

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