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Public News Post #7367

A Correction

Written by: Thrice-Raven Eaku Redwood
Date: Tuesday, July 30th, 2024
Addressed to: Inquisitor Iyana Lavellan, Imparter of Memory

His Inquisitor,

I do not recognize your name. This is not an insult. But it is an explanation for why this correction must be made.

The 'malignant parasites' you speak of were present long before Akkari. One can bond a symbiote without being Akkari - without being undying.

Many of us can attest to this from experience. Some of us lived as duamvi beneath the Heartwood's eaves for many long years before it became clear that the choice must be made. Some of us are, therefore, incredibly aware of how ignorant the Duiran Council is and has been towards the symbiotes, how fear has twisted and warped you into a mockery of the desperation you so condemn. You fear not death, true, and I respect that. Instead you fear what you do not understand, or what understanding you glean from half-understood words and experiences. From this fear grows your twisted resolve to die without admitting misunderstanding. To die without growing. To die without making meaningful change.

I do not offer to explain. That time has past. Perhaps you can find another willing; my wings will not darken your metaphorical doorstep.

If you preach your sermons near me, I will deliver you swiftly to the Halls you love.

E. Redwood, Knight

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 19th of Ivolnos, in the year 5 AC.

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