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Public News Post #7366

What Abides Not

Written by: Lord-Navigator Bhalwyn, the Bleak Chanter
Date: Tuesday, July 30th, 2024
Addressed to: Knight Inthirath Karthi


Gnash your teeth, scream into the void of Death, comingle our blood within the soil of the Heartwood: It Makes No Matter.

Nothing in this world matters but Dia'ruis, for Dia'ruis is the very soul of the natural world we dwell upon, and there is now a way to fix the damage you and yours have done. That one of your parasites was so willing to accept the embrace of oblivion mattered only in that it allowed for but one festering wound upon the Lirathyar to be sealed, a circle rent open allowed once more to close. We offer this freedom to choose to any who will come asking for it - for Her renewal is given freely to any who are willing to embrace its dark alongside its light: to live again, one must die.

Speak not of what you do not understand, Vanguard. The presence of the symbiote within Amyie was a wound upon the world, just as those within you and the other Akkari of the Hammer are. This is not a matter of convenience, it is a matter of Primal function. Say not that we would have fed Dia'ruis to the Coward, for it was by his trembling and unworthy fingers that it was formed in the first place. Speak not of 'rebalances' in the very same sentence as the Cancerous One who has blinded you so, for it is only locked within eternal turmoil with Her foe that any balance has ever been rendered by Her.

Bring your Host. Perhaps seeing the fury of the wilds will awaken one or two to the very possibility that they need not exist as they do now. Should they have the courage to face Death again, we will offer it with solemn duty, and until then, we will serve it to them upon the edge of spear and sword.

In Defiance,
Lord-Navigator Bhalwyn
Presiding Voice

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 19th of Ivolnos, in the year 5 AC.

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