Aetolian Game News
You would be assured to know that it was I who predicted the spread to the Apex of Infinity, as surely as I have counted the days until the shadowrot reaches the Arch. It was also I who swiftly chose to share the information outside the boundaries of the Empire a single day after the discovery of the encroaching shadow, as well as any observations I have since made of its rootedness in Sapience.
Written by: Devout Elene Arcan-Tetzauh
Date: Sunday, July 24th, 2022
Addressed to: Esrytesh Sibatti dur Naya, the Seven-Eyed
You would be assured to know that it was I who predicted the spread to the Apex of Infinity, as surely as I have counted the days until the shadowrot reaches the Arch. It was also I who swiftly chose to share the information outside the boundaries of the Empire a single day after the discovery of the encroaching shadow, as well as any observations I have since made of its rootedness in Sapience.
Many nights have come and gone since I last observed the behaviour of the shadowrot as it proliferates. It has not given any indications that it would spread beyond the Torii Geyah; something else has drawn its purpose and I have already pointed out what does.
You are not the first to point out to me that my troops are guarding in the wrong direction, but neither my Minister of War, Bulrok, nor I, have been given firm assurances that the Empire's preparations against what will come will not be denigrated at each turn.
We do know what the overarching threat is, before you make idle comment of it. After all, is Bloodloch not grudgingly labelled as the "backline we hope we will not need"?
Sapience's prognosis is growing increasingly bleak. I will waste no more ink on useless debates, and I suggest so should you.
I am,
Tyrant Elene Arcan-Tetzauh
Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 4th of Variach, in the year 504 MA.