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Changelog News Post #2268


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Monday, December 25th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Monday, the 25th of December, and the following changes have been implemented:

- Election language is now neutral.

- The "trough" design in Furniture may now also be a "feeder".

- Order Champions now have a custom Visage they can use (you'll need to ask your Patron to set one).

- A new papercrafting skill/design is available: AB PAPERCRAFTING SKYLANTERN.

- Statpack is no longer mentioned in your description.

- You can instead now use CONSIDER on a player to see their statpack.

- You can now use positional targeting (e.g. thing.1, thing.last) with .here to only target something in the room - provided the command you're using can target something in the room to begin with. You can combine this with the rest of the positional targeting such as 'light' or 'light'.

- The history of all items sold upon the auction house can now be viewed with AUCTION LOG [<search term>]. It'll only show the last 50 sales for the matching search term, and the search term is optional. Use it to gauge an item's worth, or just see what has been selling recently!

- Storage for transmute beetles now exists! Read HELP TRANSMUTE for information. Transmuting now only works with a stored beetle. Once put in storage, a beetle cannot be taken out.

- Gaming commission has been reduced to a 10k gold cost, down from 15k.

- A new config option exists: CONFIG ORGANISED_ROOMS. This splits room LOOK across several lines, grouping things together such as items, NPCs, and players on seperate lines.

- The write command now only requires you to be at 95% health/mana instead of 100% to make it easier when you have draining defences up.

- Manipulation field defences now show their time remaining on DEF.

- Emotes are now balanceless if you haven't been aggressive recently, however there is still a small timer preventing you from emoting again too quickly.

- Enjoy these changes! Happy holidays from the team here at Aetolia!

This notice was posted on the 12th of Chakros, in the year 1 AC.

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