Aetolian Game News
Written by: Keroc
Date: Sunday, December 27th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone
Hey guys,
In preperation for upcoming updates, I've gone through and made some
pretty large updates to movement in general. Some changes fix bad
interactions between certain states, while other changes can be
considered balance updates. In general, escape from an aggressor
will probably be a bit harder.
If you notice any major bugs with movement, such as getting into places
you shouldn't, please message me as soon as you encounter them.
Otherwise please use the BUG command as normal.
- Rubble now affects all exits at once, instead of just a single exit.
- Drowning timer in open water increased to 4 seconds, up from 2, and
only triggers in watery environments as opposed to flooded locations.
- The fast swimmer racial trait is now actually fast!
- Shroud and Stealth abilities should now properly hide players
that are moving/following.
- Being ablaze will now reveal your movements if you would otherwise
be hidden.
- Delayed movement will now always trigger environmental effects first,
followed by physical effects on the player.
- If you are both physically crippled and your path is impeded, you
will be unable to move in that direction.
- You can now type STOP to prevent normal movement if it has been
- Having your movement delayed will now trigger pre-movement results
when you start to move.
- If flying, having a broken arm will act as though you have a broken
leg and delay your movement.
* Your legs while flying won't matter as much as well.
- If swinging, as long as you have an arm or a leg free, you'll be
able to move normally.
- Dash, Gallop, and any other dashing movement abilities will be
prevented if your movement is crippled or you are impeded by the
- Gallop has been rewritten to actually move you through each room
you gallop through and trigger any potential effects such as traps.
- Evade, Fade, and Panicking have all been reclassed from physical
movement to dashing movement.
* Evade and Fade will still possess their evasive properties.
- Panicking now has evasive properties applied to it.
- ENTOURAGE now shows you everything immediately following you, while
GROUP shows you everything in your group.
- Grounding now properly prevents all movement unless it is
- Anchoring now properly prevents all movement unless it is
- A large number of summoning abilities now have an error message
if they're unable to summon another player.
- Shield now stripped as a part of pre-movement results and has a
third person message.
- Encompass, Gravehands, Piety, Spiritchains, and Engage can now
trigger on magical and physical movement attempts, providing it is
the player doing the action.
- Group movement will now show the leader first, and then those
following them.
- All names given by movement will now be overridden by abilities
that conceal that name.
* An example of such is the Ghosting ability in Subterfuge.
- Barge now must be done from the same room as the target and will
shove them in the direction specified as far as it can.
- Convocation has been reclassed as magical movement instead of
- Deliverance has been reclassed as magical movement instead of
- Deliverance is now considered an assistive ability and will
trigger aggression checks.
- Pilgrimage has been reclassed as magical movement instead of
- Transcendance has been reclassed as magical movement instead
of unblockable.
- Walls that block your movement are now a little more descriptive
about what they are.
- You can no longer mount your steed if you are affected by
- You can no longer recall your mount if it is in a state of panic.
- Added disfigurement checks to most mount abilities.
- You can no longer recall your mount if your throat is crippled
in some manner.
- Leaping is no longer possible if your movement is crippled or you
have vertigo.
* Environmental impediments pose no problems however.
- Elicit Return is now considered magical movement instead of
- Elicit Singularity has been reclassed as magical movement instead
of unblockable.
- Elicit Singularity is now considered an assistive ability and
will trigger aggression checks when used on another.
- Angel Aura is now considered an assistive ability and will
trigger aggression checks when used on another.
- Hands is now considered an assistive ability will trigger
aggression checks when used on another.
- Entering something (like a portal) has been reclassed as normal
movement instead of unblockable.
- Wings/Amulet has been reclassed as normal movement instead of the
custom movement checks it had before.
Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 4th of Variach, in the year 456 MA.